Erlkonig Recap: Boardwalk Empire
Erlkonig*, Episode 5 Season 4, deals with Uncle Nucky helping Willie Thompson escape a manslaughter charge; Agent Knox breaking down Eddie Kessler to get the goods on Nucky; how Gillian...
Erlkonig*, Episode 5 Season 4, deals with Uncle Nucky helping Willie Thompson escape a manslaughter charge; Agent Knox breaking down Eddie Kessler to get the goods on Nucky; how Gillian...
Episode 3 of Season 15 of L&O: SVU poured the Trayvon Martin case into the pot, then mixed in the Paula Deen scandal and threw in a dash of NYPD...
“All In” had 4 main storylines going on, Nucky Thompson looking for a partner in the Tampa land deal; Will Thompson seeking payback against a college student who embarrassed him;...
“Acres of Diamonds” (Boardwalk Empire S4 E3) had 5 storylines going on: Eli’s son Willy wants to score liquor to impress a girl; Gillian and Roy’s relationship takes on a...
“Resignation” (Boardwalk Empire, Season 4, Episode 2) deals with four storylines: the intrusion of Valentin Narcisse into the Chalky White/Dunn Purnsley mess; Richard Harrow in Wisconsin; Nelson Van Alden/George Mueller...
In the opening scene of “New York Sour,” the season 4 premiere of Boardwalk Empire, it’s a snowy night in Warsaw, Indiana. Two men stop at a bar where they...
The Season Two Finale “Reckoning” aired on 4/15/2013 right after E14 “Guilt By Association.” Whether you were happy with the resolutions of various threads or not, you’ve got to...
It’s Episode 14, the next-to-last of Dallas, Season Two and John Ross Ewing is returning to Dallas from Las Vegas fresh from an impromptu marriage to Pamela Rebecca Barnes. The...
“Love and Family” aired immediately after “A Call to Arms” on April 8, with Pamela going through her daddy’s online files to get the goods on Cliff. John Ross has...
TNT ran two episodes of Dallas back to back on Monday, April 8, “A Call to Arms,” immediately followed by “Love and Family.” Last week we left off with the...
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