Spoiler Talk: CotD (Tues)
Let’s have a look at the NY Times Clue of the Day for Tuesday’s game. This clue may be today’s Final Jeopardy! If you know it (or even if you don’t), you can make a prediction on how many players will get it right and/or leave a hint on the right answer BEFORE 11:15 A.M. CENTRAL (And, yes, we are all aware that the results are sometimes put up earlier elsewhere, but we play fair here).
Take Your Lumps: No late predictions. No changing predictions. No exceptions.
If you don’t want to read comments about the answer to the clue, READ NO FURTHER. If you do want to talk about it, then click on the link below to see the clue, and fire away! (Check the comments around 7 a.m. Central if Jeopardy.com is not up to date)
Clue of the Day
FYI, we don’t reveal the answer outright. You can hint at it if you want and it is okay to give possible wrong answers.
8-word Alert: Our comments show up on the homepage sidebar, so prefacing any hint with 8 non-hint words is the best practice.
Any comments with the actual answer will be deleted. All comments and predictions on the CotD posts are deleted after about a week, so be fearless!
Tuesday Sporcle Challenge: Click on the country where each 1980s event occurred.
Alternate: In this 8 minute quiz, you have to pick the one city that does NOT belong in the group. Don’t forget!
Today’s Quote: Family is not an important thing. It’s everything ~ Michael J. Fox
MONDAY’S PREDICTIONS: VJ and JJ correctly predicted a triple stumper for the Pillars of Hercules.
Early Spoiler results are usually updated around 12 p.m. Central.
I’ll say 1/3. I think I must have seen the bit about the character’s name’s translation somewhere recently, because it felt incredibly familiar.
I’ll go with 1 correct answer. I couldn’t get the thought of Wicked out of my head…
Well, I dithered between 1 and 2 on this. It’s an easy one for folks who know the play or film. Will they remember the last name or translate it correctly?
If they don’t know the play, they wouldn’t know what language to translate it too.
I’ll give ’em the benefit of the doubt and try TWO anyhow.
I have always depended on the kindness of strangers ~ Vivien Leigh