Quarter-Finals 7 & 8: Jeopardy NCC (2-11-22)

Here are some more triple stumpers from Quarter-Finals 7 and 8 in the Jeopardy! National College Championship tournament

Quarter-Final 7:

COMMENCEMENT ($800) At almost 80 years old, he attended the dedication of his father’s memorial in 1922

OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES ($800) Unlike the boarding activity, in this one, you drop the tow rope

($1000) At the 2020 NCAA D-1 Championships of this discipline, Conner Mantz’ 10k made him the first American individual champ since 2008

ON THE MAP ($400) This leading city of Northern Ireland is home to Queen’s university

($1200) It’s the name of the capital of Alberta, Canada & also of a northern suburb of London

($2000) Meaning “west” in Arabic, this term is used for the region that includes most of Africa north of the Sahara

DOUBLE LETTERS WITHIN ($1200) This type of chocolate has a set of double consonants & double vowels

DOCTOR ($2000) “En Folkefiende” is the original title of this Ibsen play in which Dr. Stockmann tries to alert a town to its contaminated water

Quarter-Final 8:

FANCIFIED PROVERBS ($400) A plethora of chefs ruins bouillon

MARX ($1000) Marx considered religion “the opium of the people”, which wouldn’t have pleased his paternal grandfather, who had this job

ANGLES ($600) Minnesota’s northwest angle borders the Canadian provinces of Ontario & this one

IN THEIR EXPERT OPINION ($1200) In 2004 Bill Gates said “Two years from now” this “will be solved”–he had a solution involving proof of emailers’ identities

TRIPLE RHYME TIME ($800) Extreme happiness at the home of the Slurpee
($1600) A lazy careless attempt to break into your PC files


OR TAKE THE “M” CATS ($2000) Seen here (image), this lovely little cat is often referred to as a miniature version of the big cat called the clouded leopard

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4 Responses

  1. Lou says:

    So many easy daily doubles missed during the first quarter final game. I thought the college kids would have known them with ease. But still the game is exciting. But Mayim I don’t like her saying single jeopardy when its just the jeoipardy round which got really annoying to the point where I nearly stopped watching. Let’s hope the semi finals will be more fun. as well.

    • VJ says:

      I wonder how many people didn’t even notice that Mayim was saying “single Jeopardy” until someone pointed it out and made a big deal out of it. I know I didn’t. LOL!!

      imho, Mayim’s just a little too animated at times in relation to what she’s talking or laughing about. Otherwise, she’s okay.

  2. Ismael Gomez says:

    Disappointed first half as all 3 DDs were missed resulted another skunking. We could’ve gone 0-for-6 for the daily doubles. I am sure William Weyser would say darn those daily doubles.

    • Jason says:

      I’m just going to say it: this tournament is disappointing. For me, one of the highlights is the wild cards. This first round, winner take all isn’t exciting. When it’s a runaway, there’s no tension; you can stop right there. The only suspense will be the culling, when only the top 3 of 4 in the semis make it to the finals, and that is even middling, as I would guess that the players won’t know at the time.

      Compound that with Mayim and her style (she sure is divisive – either you think she’s the best ever, or, like me, every show makes me like her less), and, this tournament puts itself into the lowest quartile.

      Of course, I’ll still watch it, though!