Fikkle Fame

Leno and Letterman Back in the Day

According to US magazine, David Letterman goes to the trouble to slyly snipe at Jay Leno when he talks to Oprah Winfrey about their “feud” in an installment of Oprah’s...

Papillon Remake Dream Cast

We intended to go see Les Misérables (2012) today, but as Robert Burns put it, the best laid plans of mice and men go oft awry. Instead, we watched an...

Mob Doctor: Franco and Grace, Oh Yeah!

In “Fluid Dynamics” (12/3/2012), Franco sends Russell King to the hospital to get some badly needed medical treatment but Grace thinks that Constantine sent him. When she calls, Constantine realizes...

Margate Sands Quotes: Boardwalk Empire

Here are some quotes from the Season Three Finale of Boardwalk Empire: Margate Sands. Mayor Bader: Let’s get something straight — Nucky Thompson doesn’t run this city. I do. Reporters:...