Jeopardy! All-Star Games: Exciting News!
Mark those calendars for September 22, 2018 now! That’s when you’re going to get a preview on Facebook of what promises to be the most exciting tournament event in the entire history of Jeopardy!
Just when we thought they would never be able to top the 2017 Tournament of Champions for fun and excitement, in Season 35, they’ve come up with an entirely new and innovative format: THE ALL-STARS. They are bringing back 18 of the most popular players to compete in teams.
There will be six teams to start out and each team will have one designated captain. According to, “the team captains are the crème de la crème.” They are:
- Colby Burnett, Teachers Tournament winner (Season 28) and Tournament of Champions winner (Season 29)
- Buzzy Cohen, reigning Tournament of Champions winner
- Julia Collins, #2 in number of games won (20)
- Ken Jennings, 74-game winner and most money won in regular competition ($2,520,700)
- Austin Rogers, #5 in number of games won and most money won
- Brad Rutter, undefeated in any regular or tournament competition, and most money won on any game show ($4,285,702)
These 12 contestants will fill out the rest of the spots: Leonard Cooper, Roger Craig, Jennifer Giles, Ben Ingram, Matt Jackson, Alex Jacob, Larissa Kelly, Alan Lin, David Madden, Pam Mueller, Monica Thieu and Seth Wilson.
These 18 contestants will participate in a draft event on Saturday, September 22, 2018 with our esteemed hosted, Alex Trebek, that will be streamed on Facebook Live at 10 A.M. Pacific Time.
Here is the link to the Live Draft Facebook Game. It doesn’t say how long the event will run. It says: “You won’t want to miss this unique opportunity to see Alex preside over the action as the captains make their choices and the All Star teams take shape.”
And that’s not all….
In December, there will be an All-Star Games Fantasy League and sweepstakes for Jeopardy! lovers, where they can draft their own three-person dream team to follow throughout the tournament, for the chance to win a trip anywhere in the world that Lindblad Expeditions travels. I’ve already chosen my team. (Go ahead, Cece, laugh!)

VJ’s Team: Buzzy Cohen, Alex Jacob and Matt Jackson
For more information on how the competition will work, go to the official announcement page on Jeopardy!
Teams will return to Los Angeles in January 2019 to compete against each other head-to-head. Each three-person team will designate one player to play the Jeopardy! round, one to play Double Jeopardy! and one to play Final Jeopardy! Teams will be eliminated based on point totals, with the top three teams competing for a $1 million prize in a two-day final.
The tournament itself will be on our TV screens from February 20 to March 5, 2019. The 6 teams will be whittled down to 3 teams. Those 3 teams will compete in a two-day final for a cool million.
Well, not for nothing, Richard, but I am seriously hoping neither Brad nor Ken wins.
If I was the one picking the team captains, I would be like “dudes, you don’t need another million dollars” and Alex Jacob and Matt Jackson would be team captains.
Oh, dear, another trip. Alex must be a glutton for punishment, VJ and Cece lol!!
@Rhonda, I don’t think Alex comes with this trip though
Thanks for letting me know, VJ. I guess that I assumed that he did because the trip that he did go on was so very memorable lol.
idk for sure, Rhonda. It just seems like if he was going, he would get to pick the place and they would say travel with Alex Trebek
I know Brad is going to win.