Final Jeopardy: Authors (9-15-21)

Here are some more clues from the 9/15/2021 Jeopardy! game:

The players got all the clues in “IN” THE DICTIONARY, except for the last one:
($400) This word means drunk
($800) It’s a more general synonymous term for a vaccination
($1200) It’s 44 letters longer than lazy or idle & means the same thing
($1600) In legal speak, it refers to a person guilty of arson or to a device designed to harm people or property by means of fire
($2000) This French loanword means indifferent or nonchalant


Sneak Peek clues — REDUPLICATIVES
($200) A minor car accident that presumably dents a protective device
($400) This kids’ slang meaning extremely simple is in the 1940 movie “The Long Voyage Home” based on Eugene O’Neill’s plays
($600) Let’s “Give ’em the old” this, showy action that causes a distraction
($800) This phrase for magic & deception is also a 1993 Bette Midler film title
($1000) “Let’s get down to the” this, the heart of the matter


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14 Responses

  1. Jack O'Voltraids says:

    My inquiry to you all:
    The category: Synonyms
    The clue: This word meaning Drunk
    The winning response: What is Intoxicated
    Was inebriated another acceptable answer? Like I first thought.
    Or was it just the answer? In which case there was a goof up.

    • Jack O'Voltraids says:

      The category was not what I thought. Forget you read this. My mistake.

      • Jack O'Voltraids says:

        Nevermind again. It still works. Forget the first response (to my own comment…)
        Inebriated was the answer.
        “In” my opinion

      • VJ says:

        Jack, I put the whole category on the second page of the recap with “inebriated” as an acceptable alternate.

        • Jack O'Voltraids says:

          Lol. That’s cool. Thank you. Are you a show employee or just a big Jan?

          Category: Game Shows
          Clue: A person called a Jan
          Response: What is a Jeopardy-Fan
          (It is something I just made up)
          I’d also identify as a Jan-man or just a Jan,.. man.

        • VJ says:

          I am not connected with the show at all nor is this website. I started this site around 2010 and began recapping Jeopardy! the following year. I like to look up more information about the final clue. At that time, I was doing it mainly for my own amusement. I didn’t know if anyone was interested in the additional info, but it turned out that many people are.

          By your definition, I guess you could say I am Jan – lol – a Jan-woman.

        • Jack O'Voltraids says:

          A WoJan. Lol
          That’s pretty cool. Keep up the good work.
          Just curious, ever been on the show?
          I feel like you deserve it. Although, if you haven’t yet, you might wait until Matt is dethroned or gets bored and moves on. Lol

        • VJ says:

          Thanks, Jack, and no, I have never even tried to be on the show because I am only good at about half the categories. I’m just terrible at math and science stuff. Ditto sports and opera. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

  2. Jeopardy! lover says:

    The image is wrong. Matt had $61,200 at the end of FJ!

  3. Lou says:

    Lord of the rings was my favorite movie. I got Tolkien but still glad nick didn’t bet anything which was a smart move. But still another clean sweep on the daily doubles. Matt has beaten another record so far. Vj which lord of the rings movie was your favorite? I still think Matt’s superchamp status is going to increase but I dont think he could get past 32 wins.

    • VJ says:

      Not even Viggo Mortensen could get me to watch the Lord of the Rings films, Lou.

      I also have been misspelling Tolkien, no doubt because I thought it was pronounced Toll-kine. I know I’ve seen it being pronounced before on the show, but I guess I wasn’t paying enough attention. Now I will make it a point to remember that it’s Toll-kin, not kine