Final Jeopardy: Shakespeare’s Plays (8-27-20)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (8/27/2020) in the category “Shakespeare’s Plays” was:

An account of a deposed Duke of Genoa in a 1549 “History of Italy” is a presumed source for this play

Today’s show is a rerun of Day 1 in the 2-day final of the 2020 College Championship that originally aired on 4/16/2020. The players are: Tyler Combs, Nibir Sarma and Xiaoke Ying.

Click here for the original recap of this game.

Here are the triple stumpers from the last semi-final game of the 2014 College Championship, if you want to compare games.

6-SYLLABLE WORDS ($200) The name of this type of doctor comes from the Latin for “beast of burden”

($800) Common in cases of ADHD & autism, “sensory” this is basically too much input (this is also acceptable)

($1000) Both Betsy Ross & Dolley Madison were disowned by the Quakers for marrying men from this denomination

TEACHING “ASSISTANT” ($800) On a film set it’s the person who usually calls, “That’s a wrap!”

IT TAKES 2 ($1000) The gentlemen seen here are using this type of saw, so named because it doesn’t cut with the grain

PIER REVIEWS ($800) “Enjoy all the fun & beauty of a day on Lake Michigan” at this military-named pier in the Windy City

JUST ONE VOWEL ($800) The loose skin at the back of an animal’s neck

HIP-HOPPERS ($1600) Public Enemy named some “straight-up racist”s in their classic urging listeners to do this 3-word title

($2000) This single name followed “Ghetto” in the title of the debut album by the “Make Me Better” artist

SOCIAL LIFE ($800) Sister Carrie lives in “a moderately well-furnished” this type of “house”, not to be confused with a bawdy house

CARNIVAL KNOWLEDGE ($2000) It’s pleasant to watch the flower battles at this French Riviera resort city’s huge annual carnival parade

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