Final Jeopardy: 1990s No. 1 Songs (5-3-24)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (5/3/2024) in the category “1990s No. 1 Songs” was:

This title character of the top song from 1996 can’t stand her boyfriend Vitorino & spurns him to be with his 2 friends

2x champ Weckiai Rannila, an engineer from Albuquerque, NM, has won $28,000 so far. In Game 3, her competitors are: Deana Krumhansl, an attorney from Honolulu, HI; and Henry Lindstrom, a customer experience lead, orig. from Altadena, CA.

Round 1 Categories: Non-Cat & Dog Pets – Presidential Homes – Big Sir – A Number From 1 to 10 – World Series MVPs – Calling “HR”

Weckiai found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Presidential Homes” under the $600 clue on the 2nd pick of the round. Nobody had a red cent. Weckiai bet $1,000 but drew a blank so she was WRONG.

In 1823 Andrew Jackson donated land from this home to build a house of worship called Ephesus Church show

Henry finished in the lead with $4,600. Deana was second with $2,600 and Weckiai was last with $1,800. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: Starts With an Animal – On Cinema at the Cinema – World Geography – Poets & Poetry – When I Die – Delete My History

Henry found the first Daily Double in “Starts with an Animal” under the $2,000 clue on the 4th pick of the round. He was in the lead with $8,200, $5,600 more than Deana in second place. Henry bet $3,000 and he was RIGHT.

Part of the limbic system, this structure in the brain is thought to play a role in spatial navigation show

Weckiai found the last Daily Double in “Poets and Poetry” under the $1,600 clue with 7 clues left after it. She was in last place with $1,800, $7,400 less than Henry’s lead. Weckiai bet $1,000 and said Longfellow. That was WRONG.

His “The Runaway” is not even his most famous poem with a horse in falling snow show

Deana finished in the lead with $9,400. Henry was second with $8,800 and Weckiai was last with $3,600. All clues were shown.

Only ONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


The Spanish song “Macarena” was originally released in 1993 by the duo Los Del Rios. It was reworked into a version with some English lyrics known as “Macarena (Bayside Boys Remix)”, which was released in 1996. That was the one that became a monster hit and dance craze. Carla Vanessa sang the English lyrics and here she is performing the song on the Oprah show (starting at the part about Vitorino):

“Macarena” was the No. 1 song in VH1’s 2002 documentary “100 Greatest One-Hit Wonders.”

Weckiai got it right. She bet it all and doubled her score to $7,200.

Henry thought it was Carmen. That cost him $7,800 and left him with $$1,000.

Deanna came up with Roxanne. She lost $8,201, landing in second place with $1,199. So, after all was said and done, Weckiai Rannila finishes the week as a 3x Jeopardy! champ with winnings totaling $35,200.

Final Jeopardy (5/3/2024) Weckiai Rannila, Deana Krumhansl, Henry Lindstrom

2 triple stumpers from PRESIDENTIAL HOMES:

($800) Sherwood Forest, John Tyler’s home, was owned in the late 18th century by this immediate predecessor

($1000) Mrs. Hoover designed a Lou & Herb-arium on this college’s campus; the home was deeded to the school upon her death

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: Only ONE of the players got this FJ in “MUSICAL INSPIRATIONS”

“Tuileries” & “The Great Gate of Kiev” were 2 of the artworks that inspired this classical work completed in 1874 show


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10 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    Not one of the more memorable games. Henry was on the way to a runaway till he started missing clues, and the women finished strongly. And as Kevin said, he botched his wager and gave the champ an arguably undeserved third win.

    For me, 90s music might as well be Ancient Chinese scripture. I know the Macarena song, but had no idea it was a person or had discernible lyrics. The World Series category was totally runnable for me. I have a ball autographed by the 1956 pitcher.

    Stumpers usually puzzle me, but not tonight. Knowing presidents is mandatory. Tyler’s predecessor was a cinch, same with Jackson’s residence.
    Hoover was a professor, I believe, at that prestigious university. That one was tough, I’ll concede. There’s a house in Newberg, OR where he once lived as a child for a time. We toured it in 2013. Also knew the author of “No Man Is an Island,” but unlike the erudite VJ, I’ve never read it.

    • Jason says:

      You are too gracious, my friend. I thought “ick”, for much of the game. Weckiai didn’t seem as pushy this game, though. Still, low scoring. Her 3 day total is less than a goodly number of champs’ one day wins .

      FJ was an easy one for me. Roxanne? 1978.

    • VJ says:

      I didn’t read No Man is an Island either, Howard. I was referring to a song using that title. There’s a version by the Lettermen on YouTube. I really hated that song.

      As for Weckiai, now that she’s survived a game with her weak categories, I wouldn’t be surprised if she cleans up next week!

  2. Rick says:

    I was actually rooting for Weckiai after she ended up as the underdog right before FJ. Kudos to her for getting the FJ right! As for me, I was never into the 1990s songs besides Céline Dion’s top hit ‘My Heart Will Go On’ so I couldn’t come up with a correct response for FJ. Regarding the game, I did about average.

  3. Ismael Gomez says:

    I know William Weyser would say darn those daily doubles to Weckiai today.

    • William Weyser says:

      Yes, but Weckiai won, because she got Final Jeopardy! right, and her challengers didn’t. That’s all that matters.

  4. Esme says:

    I’m surprised they were all stumped on the prior owner of Sherwood Forest–Tippecanoe and Tyler too? Easy.

  5. VJ says:

    Those poetry stumpers brought back memories.

    In 5th grade, we all had to learn this “No Man is an Island” song, all about how no man stands alone and we need one another, but the kids didn’t feel that way when they got out of school and would sometimes beat the hell out of each other.

    When I was 5 & 6, I would recite that RLS poem to myself and sick in bed.

    “I was the giant great and still
    That sits upon the pillow-hill,
    And sees before him, dale and plain,
    The pleasant land of counterpane.”

  6. Kevin Cheng says:

    I was disappointed by Henry’s bet in FJ! He should have wagered no more than 1,599 to keep Weckiai locked out. Weckiai made a comeback from third place to first to win her third game.

    • Howard says:

      Excellent point. $601 was the way to go. Deana was pretty locked in to betting $8201. He gambled away the rent money, so to speak.