Final Jeopardy: European Scientists (5-28-24)

Here are some more clues from the 5/28/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

DEFINING LAW ($600) “A solemn declaration, accompanied by a swearing to God… that one’s statement is true”

SOUNDS LIKE A BOY BAND ($400) Is it this abbreviation for filming people filming people, or a K-pop band with Jin & Suga?

($1000) A bar mitzvah marks this transition from childhood to adulthood; I wonder if Nathan Morris & Shawn Stockman had one

CANADIAN CITIES ($400) Dickens called this walled city the Gibraltar of North America

($1600) This hill in Ottawa is the site of Canada’s House of Commons

($2000) This provincial capital sits about 60 miles north of Minnesota

WHAT DO YOU MEASURE?($2000) An ebulliometer; this, in liquids

MOVIES WITH LITTLE DIALOGUE ($1600) “There are no clean getaways” was a tagline for this 2011 Ryan Gosling film

($2000) Utah’s Bluejohn Canyon, where hiker Aron Ralston lost an arm, was used as a location for this movie about Aron

SPILL THE “T” ($1600) It can mean to shorten by cutting off a part, such as by dropping digits after the decimal point

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) 19-year-old George Washington caught this disease, which left him with a scarred face for the rest of his life
($400) In “The Pajama Game”, “Why don’t you stop all this” trivial chat; “I’ve got something better for your lips to do”
($600) A surprising cost, as in “fixing up the house will cost a…” this; there’s debate on how much it is which I’ll settle $2.77 mil.
($800) John Mellencamp was referring to Seymour, Indiana when he sang “I was born in” this
($1000) In a poker game, the player to the left of the dealer makes this mandatory bet before the cards are seen


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11 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    Seems to me Amar botched his wager and a 5th win. Steve was pretty locked into betting $13001. Amar of course had to hope Steve missed FJ. He could have wagered $2201, which would have locked out Abby if both he and she got FJ right and she was all in. They both missed it, and as it played out he’d have won handily with $11,199. Costly decision.

    Surprised no one knew the Krasinski film. The legal definition term was easy. I know only one K-Pop band, and that was the stumper answer. The walled city in Canada was fairly obvious. Well, maybe only because we visited it during the 1976 Olympics.

  2. Jacob Ska says:

    I was beginning to like Steve especially after the story about his parents and their bad cooking. He gave me the impression that he was the type of person who calls it like he sees it. 🤣 I like people like that. They’re fun to be around and listen to. Too bad he lost imo. He seemed fairly knowledgeable too.

  3. VJ says:

    The researchers also found out that Mendel had an extraordinarily large brain.

    • Steve says:

      Check out the big brain on Greg 🙂

      • VJ says:

        He was no pea brain 🤣🤣🤣

        • Jason says:

          I haven’t checked how much Gregor’s brain weighed, but, George Gordon, Lord Byron, had a brain that weighed 82.2 ounces – that’s more than 5 pounds!

  4. Rick says:

    Nikola Tesla? Well, not a chance as he was born some 30 years later. Actually, I went with Charles Darwin which wasn’t too bad of a guess in my opinion. Anyways, it was a fun game nevertheless.

  5. Ismael Gomez says:

    And we got another triple stumper as today’s Final is also tough. One more triple stumper and we will have losing week in the Final.

    • Jason says:

      I zoned on FJ. I first said “Beethoven”, and it took several seconds for me to say “Oh, scientist!” I then said Lister, and was wrong anyhow! Maybe Abby has some more life in her.

      I got a little more than half the TS.