Final Jeopardy: Words & Their Meanings (4-16-24)

Here are some more clues from the 4/16/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

PAGING THE FICTIONAL DRIVER ($800) This Robert B. Parker detective, if that’s your maroon MGB with whitewalls, your lights are on

($1000) Dean Moriarty in this 1950s classic, as the title indicates, you’re putting some miles on that 1949 Hudson

DON’T EAT THAT! ($400) A rook is a type of this, another 4-letter fowl

($800) Binney & Smith began selling boxes of these, made from wax, in 1903; colors ranged from black to yellow

($1000) This Peter Frampton band sang “30 Days In The Hole”

JUST FOR FUN “Z”S ($800) This rum cocktail was created in the 1930s for a tiki bar called Don the Beachcomber; it might be less fun after too many

($1000) Down South, cher, this traditional music heard here is also known as chanky-chank

MAKING NOISE ($1200) OK, smart kid…the dog goes woof & the river-dwelling giant type of this weasel faily members goes what? Coo scream & many others is what!

($1600) This state dance of Kentucky is a bit like tap but most of the noise is made with the heels

LAND OF MILK & HONEY ($800) Known for healthy honey, the Greek isle Ikaria is this type of “colorful” place named for its population’s longevity

($1600) From Australia & New Zealand, this honey with a Maori name is said to have antibacterial properties

($2000) India, the leading milk producer in the world, gets almost half of it from this beast not considered cattle

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) Tom Morello’s Rock & Roll Hall of Fame acceptance speech on this band’s behalf thanked Tom’s mom, a centenarian teacher & activist
($400) Known by this title, Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon made it to 101 in 2002
($600) Dying at 101, this iconic producer of TV shows like “All in the Family” credited his longevity to work, lox & bagels
($800) The first foreign-born citizen to hold the post of Secretary of State, he lived 6 months past his 100th birthday
($1000) This American folk painter who lived up to her byname was still working at the age of 100


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9 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    I thought “top of the world” for Final, and was sure it was wrong, so I cheated and looked it up. Had never heard that. Oh well!

    Lucky break for Alison. And, sometimes, it’s better to be lucky than good! Eric did bounce up a bit, but, I didn’t think he had “it”. This game does underscore how much of a game it is!

  2. Steve says:

    @VJ, that editorial was a great find. I salute you.

  3. Howard says:

    Lots of misses and stumpers tonight. The Binney & Smith product was pretty obvious from the clue. Knew the Frampton band, but that was a toughie. Was sure someone would know the southern Z-music. A neighbor who lives three blocks down the road has that word on their vanity license plate. The Kentucky heel dance was not difficult. The type of honey was, and even though I have some at home, I momentarily forgot its name.

    Usually I say it’s critical to have the lead going into FJ, regardless of size. But sometimes it is a detriment. Eric, who made a monumental comeback in DJ, was more or less committed to betting the farm in FJ. Sure, he could have wagered zero or a tiny amount, but that can also kill you if the opponent bets big and gets FJ right. Alison needed to wager only $401. She played it right and took the win. That was a tough Final that in hindsight seems almost obvious.

  4. Rick says:

    I first thought of ‘summit’ for FJ, but then changed it to ‘communism’. Oh well!

  5. Ryan McClelland says:

    So this means Veronica will automatically receive the third place prize. Am I correct?

  6. Kevin Cheng says:

    First regular play dismissal of Season 40 and a double stumper. At the final clue of DJ! The scores were Alison and Eric tied at 11,200 and Veronica at 0. If Veronica gets that last clue, she would be around for FJ! with 400 and hope that Alison and Eric miss and wager everything and she would win. But Eric got that last clue instead to take the lead and I wished that Veronica buzzed in instead of Eric so she could be the new champion.