Final Jeopardy: Asian Cities (4-1-16)

9 more triple stumpers:

CAST OF THE TV SHOW ($800) Jim Caviezel & Michael Emerson, fighting evil in a high-tech way

TUBA ($400) This character seen here is both musical and instrumental

from the Tuba category in Jeopardy April Fool's Day match

($800) The name of this instrument, which serves as a tenor tuba in military bands, is from the Greek for “good sounding”

LITERARY LATIN AMERICA ($800) – Mexican poet Octavio Paz quit his diplomatic post due to a massacre of protesters 10 days before this 1968 event.

OSCARS ($800) This “Big O” was only the second NBAer to score more than 25,000 points.

($1200) Oscar Hijuelos created this group who “play songs of love”

($2000) “A Jazz Odyssey” is the autobiography of this pianist

MAP OF EUROPE ($2000) A big player in medieval and Renaissance times, by 1861 the entity known as these States shrank to a dot on the map.

from the Old Map of Europe category in the April Fool's Day Jeopardy match

WORDS OF SUBSTANCE ($400) This 6-letter term is used to describe the climbing of a mountain.

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14 Responses

  1. Bonnie says:

    I thought I was seeing things. I looked all over, trying to see today’s video.

  2. Duck M says:

    All those April Fools things were more distracting than amusing to me. Todd was lucky that Milton missed that last DD. A big bet might have sunk him if he didn’t have that runaway.

    • rhonda says:

      I found them distracting, too, especially when they had Ken Jennings seemingly answer one of the questions. I don’t recall them doing those kinds of things for April Fools Day before.

    • VJ says:

      Just one good April Fools joke that got a big audience laugh probably would have been better.

      Congrats to Todd on the fourth win though.

      • EricS says:

        Yes! If they did one of those tricks every year, people might look for them like for Hitchcock. Doing it for the audience (if you meant live) would be much tougher.

    • jacob ska says:

      Thank goodness. All of you make me feel better. I thought I was the only one who found the silliness on tonight’s show distracting.

      • rhonda says:

        I’m glad that I’m not the only one, too, Jacob!

        • VJ says:

          That Tubby the Tuba triple stumper was funny 🙂

          Alex Trebek: “That’s Tubby the Tuba! How quickly you’ve forgotten!”

          Not sure about Todd, but I’m sure Oliver and Milton never heard of Tubby

        • Cece says:

          After that long story, I hope Milton’s wife is impressed enough. I thought his answer of mortar, instead of tartar was funny.

          Agree with all in here about the April’s Fool overkill. “Just one good April Fools joke that got a big audience laugh…”—yes! like Alex doing that dance featured on J! site.

        • VJ says:

          You’re right — that mortar answer was funny!! At first, I didn’t even know what Milton had said but Alex Trebek saved me the trouble of rewinding. LOL!

          Milton could join the Double-First-Name Club if there is such a thing. 🙂

        • Cece says:

          Is it possible that he (or his parents) chose this Anglo name because of the poet John Milton (reversed) ?

          Now my silly bf keeps saying ‘you gotta floss everyday to avoid mortar.’

        • VJ says:

          Could be. I bet that would have made another interesting chat story.

          LOL on avoiding mortar. Milton’s bound to get some teasing on that one and that might be one of the lines.

        • rhonda says:

          I missed the part where Alex speaks to the contestants. Milton endeared himself to me when he said mortar lol.

  3. Richard Corliss says:

    Ooooh! (Giggles) That’s funny! (Laughs)