Final Jeopardy: Countries of the World (2-4-25)

Here are some more clues from the 2/4/2025 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

BLACK MYSTERY MONTH ($800) One entry in the Charlie Mack Motown Mystery series is about an attack on this annual Detroit display that puts the moto in Motown

($1000) Black heroine Bree is caught up in the disappearance of a blonde in a novel called this, a “Syndrome” Gwen Ifill popularized

ANY DAY OF THE WEEK ($600) October 24, 1929, this “dark” day on Wall Street, kicked off the stock market crash

POETS & POETRY William ($800) Langston Hughes’ “Harlem” asks, “What happens to a dream deferred?… Maybe it sags like a heavy load. Or does it ” do this?

Carlos Williams’ ($1600) “The Red” this was inspired by the sight of one surrounded by white chickens in a backyard

ONCE UPON A FEBRUARY ($2000) February 25, 1948 saw a bloodless coup in this country, with the Communists taking over; Pres. Benes was allowed to stay in office

HERE’S 2 “U”! ($2000) As a noun, it’s a prophet or soothsayer; as a verb, it means to foretell omens

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) Bonding over their M.S., Jamie-Lynn Sigler & this “Dead to Me” Actress launched “MeSsy”, featuring candid converstion
($400) In 2022, she launched “Now What?” to talk about life’s challenges & setbacks & how people deal with them
($600) He’s the “Armchair Expert” who has in-depth conversations with people from all fields
($800) This British-born pop sensation will “Blow Your Mind” with her “At Your Service” podcast talking to people who blow her mind
($1000) This “seriously funny” comic has his own “Laugh Out Loud” channel on SiriusXM & podcast called “Gold Minds”


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2 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    I got FJ from Jeopardy! As stated above by VJ, that from 3 years ago I believe was it.

    2/3 on DD. Just could not remember J. Lo’s movie. The song I know well from my youth “”Look at her butt…”), but teasing out that word would have taken away too long.

    Adriana showed her chops. Good on her!

  2. Howard says:

    Good battle between thoroughbreds, poor Will barely made it to the finish line.
    Tough but fair FJ; Nepal was all I could muster.
    Missed all the stumpers and 2/3 DDs. Middle one was pretty easy.
    Adriana’s a formidable force. Curious to see whom she’ll face. Wouldn’t mind seeing two women in the Finals for a change.

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