Final Jeopardy: Men at War (2-10-25)

Here are some more clues from the 2/10/2025 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

CLINKY DRINKS ($800) Add a shot of Grand Marnier to a margarita & you’re having it this high-end style & hopefully not driving one

The players missed one of the regular clues in BEFORE, DURING & AFTER:

($400) Book about Bligh & Fletcher Christian & job pursuing criminals for reward as a gonzo journalist of note
($800) Nation’s top lawyer & a poultry dish named for a mighty Chinese military man combine for some truly illegible handwriting
($1200) Daily Double on Page 1
($1600) “Madama Butterfly” heroine crooning in Costa Rica’s capital with a glass of gold tequila from a well-known brand
($2000) Taylor Swift’s record-breaking concert series is both a feat of skill & a French term in a contract for an act of God

B,D & A ANSWERS: show

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) It can mean volume or space, but also mental ability
($400) can help you design & issue your own one of these; you might need to write code in Python
($600) The opposite of voluntary, it’s from the Latin for “to force”
($800) In one sense the opposite of union, it’s actually a synonym for union
($1000) In a candle the melted wax is carried upward via this type of “action” in the wick


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11 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    VJ, wasn’t there a triple stumper under $1000 in Clinky Drinks? Something to do with a luxury car margarita? I knew it, am certain that they did not. Pretty sure I’d seen it on Mexican restaurant menus.

    • VJ says:

      Yes there was, Howard. I accidentally cut it off when I was copying my list. It was on there linked to a youtube to tell you how to make it. I put it back in at the top on page 2

  2. Howard says:

    Usually the ToC clues are, for the most part, way out of my comfort zone. But tonight I was lapping up most of those $1000 and $2000 clues, and a good share of the cheaper ones. FJ got me, but in hindsight I understood the analogy. Shocked myself by getting all 3 DDs. “Fiddler” is one of my favorite musicals, though it took me a few seconds to determine which song the DD referred to.

    Ballsy DD wager by Neilish. He seemed to rock E-W less tonight, but also turned his back on the camera at the end of 2nd round. I’m calling him the favorite to win the title. Isaac consistently showed frustration when Neilish out-buzzed him.

    I knew the $2000 Before, etc clue, but I don’t see it listed here as a stumper. Or did someone get it? I was too busy shouting out the answer to notice.

  3. Rick says:

    It was another terrific Jeopardy game, and Adriana did not emerge as the champion this time around. Actually, it didn’t help her situation much after she bet heavily, but flubbed a DD. Anyways, I went with ‘Alexander the Great’ for FJ which wasn’t such a bad choice (IMHO). Pyrrhus? I can hardly spell nor pronounce the name. Well, I’ll have to feed that name into the Pronunciation Check.

    • Rick says:

      Pyrrhus: It’s pronounced as ‘Paris’ (as in the French capital).

      • Howard says:

        I contend that the first syllable is pronounced as if it were a short “i,” as in “him.” I’ve never heard the word pronounced any other way. Wikipedia shows the first syllable as a phonetic PIRR.

        • Rick says:

          I entered ‘Pyrrhus’ into the ‘Pronunciation Check’ again, and I did detect the letter ‘P’ in the name.

  4. Jason says:

    0/3 on DD, but got FJ. However, was not confident.

    I almost got the before during after DD, but didn’t think of the Fiddler song.

    Good on Neilish. His moving all the time has diminished somewhat. They don’t have to move the camera to keep him in the picture.

  5. Kevin Cheng says:

    I think Isaac’s response of Pyrrhis should be added to the spelling list decisions. It is phonetically correct with any vowel and it does not change the pronunciation.

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