Final Jeopardy: U.S. Place Names (12-25-24)

The Final Jeopardy question (12/25/2024) in the category “U.S. Place Names” was:

A trio including Andrew Jackson founded this city with a name that evokes a great city of the ancient world

4x champ Laura Faddah, a manager from Memphis, TN, has now won $40,400. In Game 5, she takes on these two players: Mathieu Farhoud-Dionne, a musician from Montreal, Quebec; and Amber Gamrat, a software developer from Hudson, NH.

Round 1 Categories: Islands & Archipelagos – The Novel Chapter – Triple Jeopardy! – I’m So Indicted – 5, 5 – Foot Ball

Mathieu found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “The Novel Chapter” under the $600 clue on the 8th pick of the round. He was in the red to the tune of $ 1,200. Laura had the lead with $2,800. Mathieu bet the $1,000 allowance and thought it was “Pygmalion”. That was WRONG.

“Eliza’s Escape” show

Laura finished in the lead with $8,800. Amber was second with $600 and Mathieu was last with negative $1,200. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: Thinking About the Ottoman Empire – All Kinds of Music – Mollusks – Let’s Go to the Park – Happy 100th, Rod Serling – “A”cronyms & “A”bbreviations

Mathieu found the first Daily Double in “All Kinds of Music” under the $1,200 clue on the 6th pick. He was in second place with $4,000 now, $4,800 less than Laura’s lead. He bet it all and he was RIGHT.

Aubades were sung in the morning; these courtship tunes, like Mozart’s, “Oh, Come To The Window”, were meant to be sung at night show

Mathieu got the last Daily Double in “Let’s Go to the Park” under the $1,200 clue, on the 16th pick. In the lead with $11,600, he had $800 more than Laura in second place. Mathieu bet $3,000 but had no idea so he was WRONG.

Built over abandoned railroad tracks, this Chicago park opened in 2004, just a few years behind schedule show

Mathieu finished in the lead with $13,400. Laura was next with $13,200 and Amber was in third place with $2,200. The top 2 clues in Mollusks were not shown.

Only ONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


John Overton was a Tennessee Supreme Court judge. In fact, he was Andrew Jackson’s successor in that position. James Winchester was a Tennessee state senator. The three men founded the city of Memphis, Tennessee in May of 1819, naming it after Memphis, one-time capital of Egypt located on the banks of the Nile River. It is thought that the founders chose the name because Memphis sits on the banks of the Mississippi River, often called the Nile of North America. It is also thought they got the idea from the founders of Cairo, Illinois, which is located at the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi.

Per Memphis Travel Fun Facts, “Memphis is mentioned in more songs than any other city in the world – more than 400 according to Billboard Magazine.”

Amber thought it was Alexandria. She stood pat on her $2,200.

Laura got it right. She bet $4,800 and finished with $18,000.

Mathieu came up with Carthage. He lost $13,001 and finished with $399. So Laura, who coincidentally is a Memphian, punched her ticket to the next Tournament of Champions. Lucky Laura’s 5-day total is $58,400.

Final Jeopardy (12/25/2024) Laura Faddah, Mathieu Farhoud-Dionne, Amber Gamrat

2 triple stumpers from ALL KINDS OF MUSIC:

($400) The name of this music form is actually an abbreviation of an Italian phrase meaning “work in music”

($800) In 1899 a critic wrote, “If” this “was called tempo di raga… it might win honor more speedily”

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: TWO of the players got this FJ in “AMERICA AT WAR”

Until the Civil War, the January 8 date of this battle of dubious military importance but big morale value was a national holiday show


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10 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    Sacre’ bleu, amazing comeback by Monsieur Mathieu. (Just loved his flawless pronunciation of Jardins de Luxembourg.) Early on I thought he might have a shot at lowest score ever. And I really thought he’d nail FJ. I thought it was quite easy, especially with Jackson being a Tennessean.

    DDs, stumpers and most of the clues eluded me tonight. It happens, but not to the really good players.

  2. Rick says:

    Laura came from behind yet again, and remained the champion. Congratulations Laura! As for FJ, I chose Pompeii for lack of a better choice, but I knew that it was dead on arrival. That was one tough FJ to be sure.

  3. Collin says:

    Not all Double Jeopardy clues were shown today as the first two clues for Mollusks worth $1,200 were not shown.

  4. VJ says:

    Merry Christmas to all observing Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all observing Hanukkah

  5. Kevin Cheng says:

    Mathieu had -1,200 when he found the first daily double. Anyway, what a way to celebrate Christmas for Laura. She is having a lucky holiday season. Merry Christmas VJ.

    • VJ says:

      Thanks, Kevin. That’s fixed. Yeah, even if Laura loses tomorrow, I still will think of her as Lucky Laura. Amazing!

      • Jason says:

        Ain’t that the truth. I don’t know why my buddy Howard thought that the Quebec French speaker would be a lock to get Memphis. Once again, Laura doesn’t wager to cover, but still wins. She gives me vibes of Megan Wachspress.

        I said “Alexandria”, as did my wife. 0/3 on DD.