Final Jeopardy: Men of Medicine (12-23-20)

Here are 6 more triple stumpers from the 12/23/2020 Jeopardy! game:

MUSEUMS ($800) Works by Titian, Raphael & others, sold by the USSR to Andrew Mellon, became the core of this D.C. museum

($1000) The Atheneum in Hartford, Conn. bears the name of this founder, no relation to Longfellow

WHAT ARE YOU MADE OF? ($800) St. John the Baptist by Donatello at Siena Cathedral

CONSUMER REPORTS ROAD TEST ($1600) Ja wohl! Consumer Reports in 2007 said this brand’s GL450 is the top large SUV


($2000) He’s a title prince: CRISP EEL

Here is the U.S. Air Force category:

$200: After the hungry German shepherd gnawed on the tree, it let out…
$400: If the species were reversed at Thanksgiving, the birds chowing down on us would be doing a lot of…
$600: Playing bridge, the donkey led the 4 of clubs & the elephant decided to…
$800: I should never have committed a crime on the farm; I knew the pig would…
$1000: The day Churchill died, it was as if the horse kept calling for him with a neigh & a…


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10 Responses

  1. William Weyser says:

    This was the 1st time that I’ve ever seen only 1 contestant ring in during the 1st 15 Clues of the Single Jeopardy! Round. Richard rang in 1st on the 1st 9 clues in the round, and eventually 13 out of 15 clues in that round. On top of that, he ran the “& The Emmy Goes To…” category at 1 point, and he found the Daily Double during those 15 clues in that round.

    • VJ says:

      Yes, William, that was the first time I saw that, too. I wanted to add something about it but it was a very frustrating day. First a tech fixed the internet and TV this morning, then they sent a couple of guys over to “bury the cable” they installed and those guys broke it again! Then they sent the first guy back and he fixed it again.

      • William Weyser says:

        I’m sorry about your frustrating day, VJ.

        • VJ says:

          Thanks, William. I’ll be sure not to watch Trampas on “The Virginian” today. That’s what I was watching both times when the cable went out and it felt like the spirit of Doug McClure was jinxing me because his face was frozen on the TV screen!!!

  2. Lou says:

    Lamaze, hmm not familiar with the name but still though a great final jeopardy today. Where did Dr spock come from? He is in the star trek series but not a real doctor that does child birth. VJ hope your recovery goes well.

  3. DC says:

    VJ, I hope your recovery is going well.

    I see that these repeats are reported to be some of Alex’s favorite shows. Presumably he had these set aside. Do we know if there is any mention by Alex as to what made each of these most enjoyable?

    • VJ says:

      DC, I haven’t seen anything indicating what made each of these episodes favorites for Alex. What they mainly have in common is Alex participating in a video category, and getting to cut up in some of them. I can definitely see him loving that — one thing I loved about Alex the most was his mischievous sense of humor.

      Thanks to you and Lou for the recovery wishes. I’m doing as best as I can over here, though it’s still a bit up and down. I guess I just have to be patient and not try to rush things.

    • VJ says:

      P.S. Here is a quote from Johnny Gilbert in this People Magazine article, where he shares his thoughts on Alex Trebek: “I told him a long time ago, ‘If this show goes away, you could be a stand-up comedian.’ He always loved to do jokes.”