Final Jeopardy: Super Bowl History (12-19-24)

The Final Jeopardy question (12/19/2024) in the category “Super Bowl History” was:

It’s the only team to play in the Super Bowl before Neil Armstrong’s moon walk that has not been back to the big game since

New champ Eric Weldon-Schilling, a bar manager & sommelier from Houston, TX, won $21,000 yesterday. In Game 2, his opponents are: Neal Bowling, a journeyman lineman from Mackinaw, IL; and Laura Faddah, a manager from Memphis, TN.

Round 1 Categories: U.S. History – 500 Questions – 3-Letter, 3-Letter – “B” Movies – Poetic Women – Potent Potable Rhyme Time

Neal found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “U.S. History” under the $800 on the 13th pick of the round. He was in last place with $400, $1,800 less than Laura’s lead. Neal bet $1,000 and guessed John Jay. That was WRONG.

During his tenure as Chief Justice of the United States, he swore in 5 presidents, including Andrew Jackson show

Laura finished in the lead with $6,400. Eric was second with $3,400 and Neal was last with $400. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: A Word in a Shakespeare Play Title – Boomers – The Science Fare – Write for TV – Go Jump in the Ocean – Initials From Greek God to Roman God

Neal found the first Daily Double in “A Word in a Shakespeare Play Title” under the $1,200 clue with 8 clues left after it. He was in second place with $6,000, $3,600 less than Laura’s lead. Neal bet $3,000 and he was RIGHT.

Sir, please come back to the restaurant– instead of the customer copy, you kept the slip marked this “copy” show

Eric found the last Daily Double in “Initials From Greek God to Roman God” under the $1,600 clue with 1 clue left after it. He was in last place with $5,400, $6,400 less than Neal’s lead. Eric bet $4,600 and he was RIGHT.

H to J: These chief goddesses had their jealous moments in both civilizations show

Laura finished in the lead with $13,600. Eric was second with $10,000 and Neal was last with $9,800. All clues were shown.

NONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


Super Bowl III: The New York Jets defeated the Baltimore Colts on January 12, 1969 at the Orange Bowl in Miami, Florida. Although the Jets never made the Super Bowl after that, Joe Namath’s guarantee that the Jets would win guaranteed the game a place in history. In this video, its place is the No. 10 Best Super Bowl of All Time.

“Joe Willy”, as Joe Namath is referred to, is the short form of Joseph William, his given name. Namath was also known as “Broadway Joe”, a nickname he got when teammate Sherman Plunkett saw Joe’s 7/19/1965 Sports Illustrated cover.

Neal thought it might be the Cleveland Browns. He lost $7,000 and finished with $2,800.

Eric went with the Giants. He bet and lost his whole $10,000.

Laura wrote down Houston. She lost $2,400 but won the game with the remaining $11,200. Laura Faddah is the new Jeopardy! champ.

Final Jeopardy (12/19/2024) Eric Weldon-Schilling, Neal Bowling, Laura Faddah

A triple stumper from each round:

More clues on Page 2

POETIC WOMEN ($800) In “First Fig” she wrote, “My candle burns at both ends; it will not last the night”

GO JUMP IN THE OCEAN ($1200) Also known as the Ganga Trough, the Swatch of No Ground is a haven for whales in this alliterative bay

2 years ago: TWO of the players got this FJ in “FAMOUS NAMES”

In 2001 he published a book called “Banging Your Head Against a Brick Wall”; in 2002, “Existencilism” show


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9 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    Coincidentally, saw Broadway Joe (a/k/a Joe Willie Namath, from Alabama) on his commercial for hearing aids just the day before. In any case, I knew FJ. Jets 16-7 over Colts.

    Inexplicable wagers. I was 2/3 on DD.

  2. Howard says:

    Ah, Super Bowl, my dream category. I’ve seen 57 of the 58 and had to work for the one I missed. I know that there were 3 prior to the moon landing, and those participants were Green Bay (2), Oakland, KC, Baltimore and Jets. All the others have returned. Four have never made it there, and Minnesota and Buffalo have lost multiple times without a victory. Maybe this is the year?

    Continuing in the sports vein, the Tommy John clue was a gimme. What else could a player do 3X on one play? The Bobby Thomson clue would be known mostly by we aging baseball fans. Entomb Spanish wine also a cinch. The halfway holiday not too awfully hard, neither was the 3-3 understated term. No one knew the 3-letter word between ready and go?

    Not sure about what Laura was thinking with a $2400 wager. If all 3 had been correct, she’d have finished third. $6401 would have been the safe wager, and as it played out, would have won anyway.

    Memo to Eric: MY NY Giants have been in 5 Super Bowls and won 4!

    • Rick says:

      My first thought was indeed the Green Bay Packers , but that team had returned to the Super Bowl since the moon landing. Other than that, I gave the Dallas Cowboys a passing thought, and then I pretty much drew a blank.

    • VJ says:

      Howard, Eric did get one word of that “ready, ___, go” clue. He didn’t realize that the category required a 2-word answer. Idk why no one else rang in but the way I’ve always heard and said this phrase is “on your mark, ___, go”

      My daughter Nikki is a big Giants fan. She even bought herself and her kids Giants shirts. That cost a pretty penny.

  3. Rick says:

    What we had today was a very competitive game, but the FJ was an absolute killer. In fact, the champ bet it all in FJ, and then lost everything. As for me, I did better than average in the game, but also flubbed the FJ. With the exception of major league baseball and heavy weight boxing, I was never much into the other sports.

  4. Ismael Gomez says:

    Tough final as we got another triple stumper.