Final Jeopardy: British History (11-3-23)

Here are some more clues from the 11/3/2023 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

HOSPITALS ($400) Sylvia Plath worked as a secretary at this hospital, MGH for short

($1000) Known for its mental health facilities, this NYC hospital dates back to 1736, 4 years after George Washington’s birth

BIG-SCREEN ELVIS ($800) In 1963 he was the kid who kicked Elvis in “It Happened at the World’s Fair”; 16 years later, he played Elvis on TV

ONLY PARTLY TRUE ($600) The Lone Ranger got his name after suffering from this, from Greek words for “fear” & “stranger”

THE COMETS ($2000) The man behind the nebulae M numbers; his first love was comets–Louis XV called him the “comet ferret”

TALK ABOUT…PUP MUSIC ($1200) This “Peace Train” writer was direct, “I love my dog / Love my dog as much as I love you / But you may fade / My dog will always come through”

($1600) This country singer & TV star used his voice to tell us about “Ol’ Red”, “a 4-legged tracking machine” of a prison guard dog

IT JUST SOUNDS QUESTIONABLE ($2000) In the American Revolution, last name of British admiral Richard & his brother, general William

The players got 2 of the clues in GOING THROUGH THE EMOTIONS:

($400) Emotion that’s a homophone of a word meaning “stop!” to a horse
($800) These feelings of distress or sorrow are also what you send to decline an invitation
($1200) The adjective “blithe” is closely related to this word meaning “ecstasy”
($1600) This feeling of awe & respect follows “Your” in a form of address for certain clergymen
($2000) In a poem, Wordsworth was “surprised by” this emotion & “impatient as the wind”


The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

Sneak Peek clues — ESPANOL
($200) In Spanish, oro is gold & plata is this metal
($400) This day of the week is domingo
($600) This pet is un perro
($800) Before you turn in a paper, you should check this, la ortografia
($1000) You’ll find these, los escritorios, in the classroom


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15 Responses

  1. Sheilah says:

    Time for all 3 contestants to join the Richard III Society, clearly!

  2. Albert says:

    I don’t like Aaron. He seems kind of jerky.

    • VJ says:

      I like Aaron. I was hoping he would win and I’m glad he did.

    • Jacob Ska says:

      I thought Aaron was acting the way he did for his two teenage children sitting in the audience. He appears to be the “fun dad” type. He kept looking in their direction when the opportunity presented itself. Great that he brought them to the show to experience something that they won’t ever forget imo.

  3. Howard says:

    Missed the whole show except for FJ, which was a head-scratcher. The first two DDs also got me. Thankfully I knew the last DD to avoid a total washout.

    Way too many triple stumpers for players of this caliber. The 7 paintings heist; MGH hospital; NYC hospital; fear of strangers; “Peace Train” writer; and the “blithe” and “your ____” clues all were knowable.

    I still can’t get my head into this hokey tournament structure. If nothing else, it’s probably keeping 150-odd new players from their shot at glory.

  4. Jason says:

    I was 1/3 for DD. On DJ, I said, confidently, “the Queen Mother”, even as I said that was 2002. But, then, I cheated, and stopped the replay, and looked up Richard II. So, I was STILL wrong! Finally got it on the third try. “Cheaters never win, and winners never cheat”!

    I think Ken got it wrong, though. Aaron already had the runaway before the last clue. Neither could break $9000, and he was at $9200 or $9400 before the last clue. Notably, to my recollection, that is the lowest runaway win total I think I’ve ever seen. I’m confident that it isn’t, but just what I recall. Nonetheless, a win is a win! I’ll put my money on Aaron.

    For the second time this week, I was less than half of the TS.

    • VJ says:

      Jason, the way I look at it, if the Queen Mother was truly a monarch, she would have continued to reign after George VI died. The only time something like that happened was when William III and Mary II were joint monarchs. William continued to reign after Mary died.

  5. Rick says:

    I cry foul on the Spanish category during the regular Jeopardy. No, the Spanish terms for ‘and’ & ‘stop’ are ‘con’ & ‘alto’. Actually, I didn’t have the foggiest of what the Jeopardy writers were thinking.

    Regarding FJ, I chose Prince Philip, but I knew that he died a few years later.

    • Rick says:

      Well, ‘con’ is indeed the Spanish word for ‘with’, and not ‘and’. My error.

    • VJ says:

      Rick, that clue was in the “Questionable” category in Double Jeopardy!
      ($1200) This letter means “and” in Spanish

      The clues in the Spanish category are on page 2

    • Rick says:

      Ignore my comments on the Spanish category as my mind must have been on something else. Anyways, I got 3 out of the 5 right in that category.

  6. Ismael Gomez says:

    And we end the week with another triple stumper since today’s final was a tough one. The DDs were not nice to anyone in the DJ! round.