Final Jeopardy: British Writers (1-21-21)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (1/21/2021) in the category “British Writers” was:

When Agatha Christie disappeared for 11 days in 1926, this British fellow writer tried to find her with the help of a spiritual medium

2x champ Brian Chang, an attorney from Chicago, IL, has won $34,202 so far. In Game 3, the challengers are: Roberto Ortega, Jr., a civilian investigator from Alhambra, CA; and Stephanie Thompson, PR specialist from San Diego, CA.

Round 1 Categories: 1-Letter Stock Symbols – Popes – Books for Young Adults – Shapely Speech – A Stream of TV – Cleveland: News Clues

Brian found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Popes” under the $600 clue, with 8 clues left after it. He was in third place with $1,000, $3,000 less than Robert’s lead. He made it a true Daily Double and he was RIGHT.

Before entering the seminary, Pope Francis once held a job as a bouncer in this capital city. show

Robert finished in the lead with $5,400. Stephanie was second with $3,600 and Brian was last with $2,400. No clues went uncovered.

Round 2 Categories: Historic Couples – Amphibians – Canadian Places – Almost Rhymes with Purple – 5 More “C”s of Diamonds – Pop Culture Princesses

Brian found the first Daily Double in “Canadian Places” under the $2,000 clue on the 13th pick. He was in the lead with $6,800 now, $1,600 more than Stephanie in second place. He bet $3,000 he was RIGHT.

In the 1880s this Alberta city got the Canadian Pacific Railway, but in 1905 its rival Edmondton struck back as it became the capital. show

2 clues later, Brian got the last Daily Double in “Amphibians” under the $1,200 clue. In the lead with $11,400 now, he had $6,200 more than Stephanie in second place. He bet $100 and he was RIGHT.

Able to grow to almost 30 inches, the hellbender of the Central U.S. is the largest of these amphibians in North America. show

Brian finished in the lead with a runaway $16,300. Stephanie was next with $6,000 and Robert was in third place with $1,800. Four clues worth $2,000 went uncovered.

Only ONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


Mystery writer Agatha Christie’s sudden disappearance on 12/3/1926 caused quite an uproar. says: “more than one thousand policemen were assigned to the case, along with hundreds of civilians. For the first time, aeroplanes were also involved in the search. … Two of Britain’s most famous crime writers, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes, and Dorothy L. Sayers, author of the Lord Peter Wimsey series, were drawn into the search. Their specialist knowledge, it was hoped, would help find the missing writer.” Doyle got nowhere with taking one of her gloves to a psychic and Sayers found nothing of value at the scene where Christie’s car was found abandoned. Mrs. Christie turned up on 12/14/1926 none the worse for wear, but unable or unwilling to reveal the real story behind all this drama. Earlier in June of this same year, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had published “The History of Spiritualism”, in support of his beliefs on the topic.

Coincidentally, Edward VIII had a clue in Historic Couples today. He was the grandson of Edward VII, the monarch who knighted Arthur Conan Doyle in 1902.

Robert thought it was George Orwell. That cost him $223 and left him with $1,577.

Stephanie got it right. She added $3,998 to her score and finished with $9,998.

Brian thought it was George Bernard Shaw, who was Irish. He didn’t bet anything so it didn’t cost him a farthing. Brian won the game with $16,300 and his 3-day total is $50,502.

Final Jeopardy (1/21/2021) Brian Chang, Roberto Ortega, Jr., Stephanie Thompson

A triple stumper from each round:

BOOKS FOR YOUNG ADULTS ($1000) In this bestseller by Angie Thomas, 16-year-old Starr Carter sees her friend shot dead by a police officer

AMPHIBIANS ($2000) This type of toad, introduced to control pests on sugar crops, has gotten out of control in places like Australia

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: TWO of the players got this FJ in “Contemporary Artists”

After it was auctioned in 2018, a work by this artist was renamed “Love is in the Bin” show


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7 Responses

  1. Albert says:

    My guess was C.S. Lewis. I wasn’t very confident Lewis was the correct answer because Lewis was a big-time Christian and big-time Christians usually don’t consult with mediums.

  2. Jacob Ska says:

    I felt the Lebron James clue was overvalued at $600. My guess is almost any contestant would recognize Lebron even if the contestant was not a sports fan. The guy is a media favorite and if a person is just channel surfing his face pops up in commercials, etc.

  3. klm says:

    FJ details say “Mrs. Christie turned up on 12/14/1926 none the worse for wear, but unable or unwilling to reveal the real story behind all this drama.” She lived about 50 more years. Did she ever reveal anything about her disappearance? If anyone knows, please share.

  4. Lou says:

    I am surprised that only Stephanie knew doyle and yet the other two didn’t know it. Brian played safe today and not betting anything to avoid elimination. VJ, were you betting on a triple solve today?

    • VJ says:

      nope, I was thinking that two would know it but after I saw all those triple stumpers, I didn’t think anyone would get it, so kudos to Stephanie.