Final Jeopardy: Television (1-20-23)

Here are some more clues from the 1/20/2023 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

The players got all the clues in THIS PIECE OF PAPER WILL TELL YOU WHAT TO DO:
($400) This “junction”, what’s your function? as a court order requiring a person to do or to cease doing a particular act
($800) Part of this job was issuing ukases, like the one from 1821 claiming all fishing rights off what’s now Alaska plus most of British Columbia
($1200) This 4-letter order is Latin for “let it be done”; you hear complaints about arbitrary & unfair “government by” it
($1600) The Edict of Cyrus from the mid-500s B.C. insists on tolerance for those conquered by this, Cyrus’ empire
($2000) In the gospel of Luke, “There went out a decree” from this ruler “that all the world should be taxed”


The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

Sneak Peek clues — “D” ADJECTIVES
($200) It describes your ego after you’ve been taken down a peg or literally, a balloon that’s lost its air
($400) It describes a country that’s in the process of industrializing & modernizing; stayed tuned
($600) Meaning not working properly, it often describes families with troubled interpersonal relationships
($800) This 8-letter adjective can be used to describe an extremely rich & satisfying dessert
($1000) A payment that’s overdue or behavior that’s unruly or criminal


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12 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    Dann Florek, who played Captain Don Cragen, called it “the doink doink”, and Richard Belzer, who essayed Detective John Munch, described it as “the Dick Wolf cash register sound”!

  2. Howard says:

    Last night on “Jeopardy!” there was a guy from California (I forget his first name, and they don’t use last names) who said he’d lost on the show, but his sister had won over $200K and gone to the ToC. I imagine someone here will know whom he meant. Can’t be all that many women who’ve won that much. He and his teammates split $140K last night when Buzzy crashed in the final round.

  3. Rick says:

    A slam dunk for FJ. Yes, ‘Law and Order’. I mean, what else could it have possibly been? Actually, both my mother and I came up with the correct response, and rather quickly in fact.

  4. penpusher says:

    Two of Mike Post’s greatest hits were “Theme to Hill Street Blues” which hit #10 on the Billboard Hot 100 the week ending November 14 1981 and “The Rockford Files,” which also got as high as #10 on Billboard the week ending August 9, 1975. But certainly his “Dun Dun!” sound for L&O has become a cultural touchstone or maybe, more accurately, a meme!

  5. Kevin Cheng says:

    So we end the week with finally a 2 day champion after we had a couple one day winners. 35,000 was the highest payday of the week.