Prince Louis Arthur Charles: Great Britain’s Newest Royal

Last Friday, Prince William and Duchess Kate of Great Britain announced the name of their third child, born on April 23, 2018. The royal baby has been named Louis Arthur Charles. The first name Louis was chosen, from most reports, in honor of Lord Mountbatten, a mentor and great-great uncle of Charles, Prince of Wales, the baby’s grandfather.

The Daily Mail gave a long and full report on Twitter reaction to the name and the fact that they are going with the French pronunciation “Loo-wee.” There was a lot of surprise at the Gallic pronunciation and even a comparison to the character of King Louie in “The Jungle Book.” Although it was not mentioned, Louis Prima, American singer and bandleader, voiced that role in the 1967 Disney film version. He was often called Louie.

Prince Louis joins two older siblings: Prince George, who will be 5 on July 22nd, and Princess Charlotte, who will turn 3 on May 2nd. Today, Prince William and his bride are celebrating their 7th wedding anniversary. Just think, if William and Kate continue to add to their family, after Prince Charles and Prince William, the British throne will be occupied by William and Kate’s children well into the 22nd century!


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7 Responses

  1. rhonda says:

    Thanks for posting this, VJ! Their kids are so adorable, especially little Charlotte. It amazes me how Kate is able to leave the hospital looking so beautiful and refreshed only 7 hours after giving birth, in heels, no less, regardless of how much help she had having her hair and makeup done.

    • VJ says:

      Glad you like it, Rhonda. I totally agree — their children are gorgeous. I’d love to know what they will look like when they’re grown but it’s unlikely that I’ll be around to see that or to see any of them ascend the throne. Still, I find it fascinating how William and Kate are sewing up the royal succession. 🙂

      • rhonda says:

        I will likely not be here either to see them all grown up, VJ. How vividly I remember when William and Harry were born.

        • VJ says:

          @Rhonda, remember how they used to cover Princess Grace’s kids all the time, but you don’t hear much in the main press about them anymore. Princess Caroline’s son and his wife also had a baby on April 19th, a boy they named Maximilian Rainier. Love the name!

        • Cece says:

          Feeling a bit morbid, ladies? I guess E. A. Poe will do that to ya. 🙂

        • VJ says:

          ha ha ha, Cece, but, au contraire, Poe doesn’t make me feel morbid. I find some of his stuff highly amusing, like “Some Words with a Mummy” named Allamistakeo 🙂

        • Cece says:

          Well, talk like “it’s unlikely I’ll be around…” sounds more like “Nevermore” to me, lol.