Nov 25th: Fast Money Round
Fast Money Questions: Eric and Dawn were the Fast Money players (original air date: 11/25/15).
1. On a scale of 1-10, how good are you at balancing the family budget?
2. Name an animal that carries things on its back.
3. Name something in your car that you adjust.
4. Name another word for beautiful.
5. Name a kind of place that has long hallways.
No. 1 Answers: show
Total for Eric and Dawn: 188 Won: $940
Fast Money Questions #2: Michelle and David Jr. were the Fast Money players (original air date: 11/25/15)
1. We asked 100 married women, how long can your spouse be away before you start to miss him?
2. Give me a word that rhymes with humble.
3. Name a food that’s messy to eat.
4. Name a kind of place that might be filled with flowers.
5. Name something people from Los Angeles would hate to give up when moving to another state.
No. 1 Answers: show
Total for Michelle and David Jr: 159 Won $795
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