Final Jeopardy: Theater Etymology (12-31-24)

The Final Jeopardy question (12/31/2024) in the category “Theater Etymology” was:

A centuries-old type of performance, this word includes Greek roots meaning “imitator of all”

Today’s Second Chance contestants are: Scott Tcheng, ER doctor from San Francisco, CA; Kaitlin Tarr, a ceramic artist from Denver, CO; and Mike Ferguson, a chemistry professor from Edmond, OK.

Click on the links in the players’ names if you want to see their first game recaps.

Round 1 Categories: The Cities’ Time Zone – Quotable Women – Not for the Money – Animal Expressions – Nonfiction – Military Celebs

Kaitlin found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Nonfiction” under the $1,000 on the 7th pick of the round. She was in the lead with $3,600, $3,400 more than Scott in second place. Kaitlin made it a true Daily Double but was stumped so she was WRONG.

“King of the Osage Hills” & “For the Betterment of the Bureau” are chapters in this 2017 bestseller show

Kaitlin finished in the lead with $7,800. Scott was second with $2,200 and Mike was last with $1,000. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: Knotty Entertainment – Mythology – Sink, Sank, Sunk – Modern Abbreviations – Science Test – From “M” to “Y”

Scott found the first Daily Double in “Mythology” under the $2,000 clue on the 6th pick of the round. He was in second place with $5,800, $400 less than Kaitlin’s lead. Scott bet $2,000 and was trying to think of Athena’s twin. She didn’t have one so that was WRONG anyway.

It’s said of these twins of myth that one of their pops was Zeus & the other was Tyndareus show

Kaitlin found the last Daily Double in “Sink, Sank, Sunk” under the $1,600 clue on the 19th pick of the round. After a scoring change in Scott’s favor (see below), she was in the lead with $11,400, $2,800 more than Mike in second place. Kaitlin bet $1,400 and she was RIGHT.

Vermont scuba divers (a hardy lot) can explore the Water Witch, a schooner at the bottom of this lake since 1866 show

Kaitlin finished in the lead with $14,400. Scott was second with $11,400 and Mike was last with $8,200. All clues were shown.

NONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


From Etymology Online: 1610s, “mime actor, one who expresses meaning by action, not words,” from Latin pantomimus “mime, dancer,” from Greek pantomimos “actor,” literally “imitator of all”…” The word “all” in today’s clue is significant in arriving at the complete word. Other words that use the Greek prefix “pan-” include panorama, pandemic and pantheon.

Did you know? Pantomime is spelled the exact same way in French. In Italian and Spanish, it’s pantomima.

Mike was going for soliloquy, a word that 8 out of 10 people probably can’t spell. Neither could he but it was wrong either way. Mike bet and lost his whole $8,200.

Scott wished for a third chance tournament. He lost $5,001 and finished with $6,399.

Kaitlin thought it might be impressions. That cost her $5,999 but she won the game with the $8,401 she had left. Kaitlin Tarr will join Will Yancey in the finals.

Final Jeopardy (12/31/2024) Scott Tcheng, Kaitlin Tarr, Mike Ferguson

Reversal: MODERN ABBREVIATIONS ($1600) Disrupting a computer site by overwhelming it with a flood of fake traffic is a DDOS, one of these attacks – Scott said “a distributed denial-of-services”. Ken said it doesn’t have an “s” at the end. The judges said it does sometimes so Scott was awarded $3,200.

A triple stumper from each round:

MILITARY CELEBS ($1000) A radar repairman in the Air Force in the ’50s, he went off to “The Electric Company”, an Oscar win & a ton of voiceovers

SCIENCE TEST ($2000) This debris-filled area with a meteorological name marks the limit of the Sun’s gravitational influence

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: ALL of the players got this FJ in “FOREIGN-BORN AUTHORS”

Early in her career she translated romance novels into Spanish, often changing the dialogue to make the heroines smarter show


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11 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    Didn’t see the show, but I can see I missed FJ, the first 2 DDs, and the listed stumpers. At least the time zones were fun and easy.

  2. Jason says:

    1/3 on DD and got FJ. In fact, Final was almost immediate. I thought of pancreas and pankration.

  3. Rick says:

    For being a chemistry professor, Mike was not quick on the draw when it came time to name the most common element in organic chemistry. Gee, I never did all that well in the course during my college years, but I did come up the correct response instantly. Anyways, I did well above average in the game, but the FJ was an absolute bummer. From my understanding, ‘pantomime’ is a theatrical performance solely composed of gestures rather than speech.

  4. Wendy says:

    There were times that Kaitlin Tarr did not answer in the form of a question (but notwiththerightanswer.) Was that missed by the host on the show, or was the question part edited out for time?

    • VJ says:

      Hi Wendy, I noticed that on a Mythology clue in the second round. It sounded like Kaitlin only said “Tera” though I heard a little sibilance as if she swallowed the word “who’s”. Regardless, there really was no reason for Ken to point it out if she forgot to answer in the form of question when her answer was wrong.

      He only has to point it out if a correct answer is rejected for forgetting to phrase it in question form.

  5. VJ says:

    I hope everyone who’s staying up to usher in 2025 has a fun time.

    I’m so tired, I know I’m going to fall asleep early but I think it’s more than likely they’ll wake me up with the bleeping fireworks.

  6. Doug Hicton says:

    Check your $400 and $600 responses in the Time Zone category. You have them reversed.

  7. Kevin Cheng says:

    Today was the last game of 2024 and we ended the year with a clue that stumped all three players. We’ll find out who win join Will and Kaitlin in the finals tomorrow.

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