Oct 21st: Fast Money Round
Fast Money Questions: Ricci and Charles were the Fast Money players (original air date: 10/21/15).
1. Name something you might have wrapped around your finger.
2. Name something that’s used for easy travel on snow.
3. Name an animal that starts with the letter W.
4. Name the hour when a high school dance ends.
5. Name something on the rear end of a car.
No. 1 Answers: show
Total for Ricci and Charles: 103 Won: $515.
Fast Money Questions #2: Kenny and Denzel were the Fast Money players (original air date: 10/21/15)
1. Name something you don’t feel like doing when you have a really bad cold.
2. Name something in your kitchen you clean most often.
3. At what age does a man say he’s ready to settle down.
4. Name the part of the body a worker might copy on the office copy machine.
5. Give me a name for someone who has to know everybody’s business.
No. 1 Answers: show
Total for Kenny and Denzel: Total 187. Won $935
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