Final Jeopardy: Famous Women (7-25-24)

Here are some more clues from the 7/25/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

FACTS ABOUT WORLD WAR I ($400) In 1915, British troops landed at Cape Helles near Gallipoli to try to seize this strait whose old name may be an easier get

($800) Allied troops from this Western Hemisphere country stormed Vimy Ridge in 1917; they took it at a cost of nearly 4,000 men

($1000) To halt a German advance during 1914’s First Battle of the Marne, 600 of these transports brought 3,000 French troops to the front

THEY COME IN PAIRS ($800) Galileo made a table of probabilities based on a set of 3 of these, but today we more often see them in pairs

WORDS IN A DICKENS TITLE ($200) To wrench an ankle; ouch!

($1000) This type of secret cult religion in the ancient Greco-Roman world offered unique experiences unlike those in the standard faiths (Note: think Edwin Drood)

SCIENCE: MISSED IT BY THAT MUCH ($200) “How Deep Is” this, asks a song standard–a 2010 estimate says 12,080′ mean depth so John Murray in 1888 was pretty close at 12,480′

($400) In the 1860s John Newlands arranged the 56 known these according to a soon-discredited “Law of Octaves”

($600) At this 7/16/1945 “Site”, Fermi’s guess on bomb yield was off by half–not bad for tossing paper in the air as the blast wave came

($1000) The “Top 10 Erroneous Results” from Science News include a 2011 finding that these chargeless particles can outrace light

AMERICAN RIVERS ($800) The Philadelphia Enquirer once dubbed this stately waterway “The River That Made Philadelphia”

($1600) Virginia’s largest river is this one that’s been dubbed the “founding river” due to its role in American history


($1200) Faultless: CAMEL BICEP

RECENTLY ON BILLBOARD’S HOT 100 ($1600) Dua Lipa sang, “I come & I go, tell me all the ways you need me, I’m not here for long, catch me or I go” this man

In what must have been a nice week in 2024 for this rapper, “Redrum” & “Née-Nah” were 2 of his 14 tunes on the chart

I’M GIVING A PARTY ($1200) This ex-NYC mayor gave the Dems big bucks after ending his 2020 campaign & in 2024 got the Presidential Medal of Freedom

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) You’ll want to use paper call Kami that’s thinner & often 6 inches square for this craft with a Japanese name
($400) This word for heavy scissors used to cut metal or hair tells you what they do
($600) Slate & marble are types of this rock, formed in most cases when its mineral composition changes
($800) If you’re baking, this alliterative paper will prevent your batter from sticking to the pan
($1000) With roots going back to 1649, this Finnish company began making distinctive orange-handled scissors in 1967


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7 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    Yikes! I was worried about Neilesh being a “cooler”, but, Davey didn’t really put the lights out today. He has one chance now to turn it around!

    I was 2/3 on DD, but got FJ. I even said “Unsinkable”!!

  2. Jacob Ska says:

    I liked this fj clue. The word “drowning” led me to only one possible person. I saw the movie but don’t recall anything about Mark Twain being mentioned. Surprised at the former mayor from New York miss. I watch his Business channel daily. I guess not everyone is a fan of his accomplishments .

  3. Howard says:

    Final got me, I was thinking Calamity Jane. I toured the Molly Brown house in Denver in 2006 but don’t remember that story.

    Not much of a game. Challengers repeatedly shot themselves in the foot, and way too many stumpers. A few were very knowable: “How Deep” song; Philly river; NYC mayor; alliterative paper. 2nd DD only one I knew.

  4. Rick says:

    The wording used in some of today’s clues were something to be desired. Anyways, I was trying to figure out whom the woman was that Mark Twain had reportedly saved. Out of desperation, I took a wild guess, and went with Belle Starr. Actually, I think that the Mark Twain inclusion was designed to throw people off the boat rather than to steer them around the berg.

  5. William Weyser says:

    We’ll see how tomorrow goes with the Season 40 Finale.

  6. VJ says:

    Coincidentally, the video I linked to for the “How Deep Is” Science clue mentions the Titanic.

    Tammy Grimes, who played Molly Brown on B’way, is Amanda Plummer’s mommy.

  7. Kevin Cheng says:

    There were 20 triple stumpers in this game but Davey is now a 2 day champion. He gets to wrap up the season as a champion. Whoever wins tomorrow will get to relax for 6 weeks and come back on September 9 to defend. Let’s see if we can end the season on a high note.

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