Weighing in on the United Airlines Fiasco

Everyone is outraged over the conduct of United Airlines employees in forcibly ejecting a passenger, David Dao, from an overbooked flight. The airline needed to make room for four of its own employees. Asking for volunteers didn’t work so they randomly selected four passengers by computer. Dao, a physician from Louisville, KY, refused to cooperate with their unilateral decision. Soon, a video of him being dragged off the flight went viral, and the backlash was swift and furious. But some people had a different take on it:

Travel writer, Laura Begley Bloom helpfully wrote an article, Why Delta Airlines Paid Me $11,000 Not to Fly to Florida This Weekend, on how to profit off such a situation instead of getting pummeled.

She jokingly said she might consider making a career out of getting bumped. Half-joking maybe since “one gate agent confessed that there are people who take the art of bumping very seriously and make thousands upon thousands of dollars.”

Jimmy Kimmel had a whole different take on it with a United Airlines commercial, warning people to do what they’re told, or else!


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