Snowflake Recap: Ray Donovan

Last week in Sunny, Rekon and Marvin Gaye Washington were both murdered by Cookie Brown while Bridget Donovan cowered in the backseat of Re-Kon’s ride. In the ninth episode of Season 2, “Snowflake” (9/7/2014), Ray Donovan must make sure no one knows Bridget was a witness to the two murders. As usual, there are forces working against him — like his wife and her homicide detective lover!

On the same night of the murder, Ray has taken Bridget to his apartment. She is in the shower while her mother frantically tries to locate her. Ray bags Bridget’s bloody clothes and ignores Abby’s call. Conor learns about the shootings online and tells Abby who now thinks Bridget was hurt too. She calls Ray directly. He admits he has Bridget. Relieved at first, Abby wants Ray to bring Bridget home but he claims she just went to sleep and says she should stay there with Conor.

Bridget emerges from the shower where she got all the blood off. She didn’t actually see Cookie Brown but heard his voice and knows it was him. The most important thing, Ray says, is whether Cookie saw her. Bridget just doesn’t know and she breaks down. Ray tries to comfort her.

Abby calls her boyfriend, Det. Jim Halloran and tells him what’s going on. She wants him to go to Ray’s apartment and get Bridget. Abby gets extremely upset when he won’t. He says he will look into the shooting. Another homicide detective, Todd Anderson, calls Ray and wants him to bring Bridget in to make a statement about the last time she saw Marvin. Bridget says she wants to tell the cops what really happened so Cookie can be brought to justice. Ray explains why it is not that simple. For one thing, she was “stoned”. Her testimony won’t hold up in court. He asks her not to tell Abby what she saw and heard. Bridget goes up to bed when she gets home, refusing to talk to her mother.

Ray tells Abby that Bridget got high with Marvin and didn’t want Abby to know. She should keep Bridget inside and off the phone. Abby asks if Bridget is in danger but Ray tells her to just do what he says. He has decided the best way to find out if for sure if Cookie saw Bridget is to confront him. On the way over, he gets a call from Lee Drexler, needing protection. Avi has been surveilling Cookie’s house and Ray sends him over to watch Abby and the kids.

Incredibly, Ray just buzzes open the gate and Cookie’s thugs appear to inform him that whoever he is looking for isn’t there. Ray throws a punch at one so they kick him around like a football and drag him inside where they check him for wires. Cookie comes in to ask why he is there and Ray accuses him of killing Marvin and Re-Kon. Cookie admits everyone knew he had beef with Re-Kon but why would he want to hurt his golden goose, Marvin. Cookie sends his thugs away and Ray feels him out for witness information. Cookie is pretty sure there were none. He’s even more sure if one pops up, it will be taken care of. Ray says Lee Drexler wants to make sure they are square and Cookie says no. Marvin’s stuff is going to blow up now. They’ll be square when he gets the rights to Marvin’s and Re-Kon’s music.

Abby brings Bridget food and offers some comfort over Marvin’s death which Bridget rejects since Abby never gave a shit about Marvin and didn’t want them to be together. Then Bridget breaks down and tells Abby she was in the car and saw Marvin’s head explode. Some of his blood got in her mouth and Marvin begged Cookie for his life. Ray told her to lie and say she wasn’t there. Enraged, Abby calls Ray. He warns her that Cookie is dangerous (uh, yeah, he just killed two people). Abby is further enraged to learn that Ray knows Cookie and wants to blame him.

Ray goes to the Goldman & Drexler office and confronts Lee Drexler, knocking him across his desk and rightfully blaming him for the deaths of Marvin and Re-Kon. Lee readily agrees to hand over the music catalogs rights to Cookie but Ezra says they won’t. Ray must reveal to Ezra that Bridget witnessed the murder. The only way to get rid of Cookie is to give him those rights. Ezra agrees.

Abby gets her loverboy to come over to the Donovan house to talk to Bridget. He introduces himself as a detective and Abby’s friend. “My mother has no friends,” Bridget replies, but sits down and begins to listen to his spiel about telling exactly what she saw when she makes her statement. Ray comes in and takes in this scene. He tells Bridget it’s time to go and send her upstairs to get her stuff. He tells Jim to get the bleep out of his house. As Jim leaves he tells Abby to call him if she needs him. Abby is flustered as Ray glares at her. He turns and goes to get Bridget, who wonders if he knew mom’s boyfriend was a cop.

Ray tells her the story that she needs to tell the police: They were smoking pot, she thought Re-Kon was driving funny so she got out of the car before the shooting. Bridget still isn’t sure but he warns her that Cookie is dangerous (uh, yeah, you were there when he killed two people). At the police station, Detective Anderson tells Ray he will talk to Bridget alone. Ray says she’s a minor. Bridget insists that she’s fine and Ray allows this. Abby arrives and does nothing about it either since she is no longer flustered and would rather curse out Ray.

Bridget tells the detective the story Ray supplied. Anderson isn’t buying it and warns her about lying. But Bridget sticks to the script, even when Anderson plays the Marvin card, insisting her father did not tell her to lie. As the Donovans leave, Cookie Brown arrives to make his statement. He calls Bridget “Snowflake”, hugs her and says he loved Marvin, too. Abby pulls Bridget away to take her home, finding out in the car that Cookie is the murderer. Cookie finds out from Ray that he’s getting the rights to the music.

Ray grabs up Detective Jim outside the police department, and says if Jim wants to bleep Abby, he can but if he puts his Bridget in any danger, Ray will kill him. Jim says Ray turned his daughter into a liar. At home with her mother, Abby comforts Bridget and puts Marvin’s diamond earring back in Bridget’s ear (the same one she previously all but accused Bridget of having sex with Marvin to get). Ray discards Bridget’s bloody clothes in a dumpster near the beach. He gets a call from Kate who says he ruined her life. Too bad, because she really liked him. So she couldn’t let it go and has to add to Ray’s misery.

Ray stumbles along — really, he looked drunk — to Ashley’s front door. They just stare at each other and Steve comes to the door. He remarks that one of them has to stop screwing Ashley, then notices something is really wrong. He tells Ray to come in and tell him about his day.

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More from this episode in the Supporting Cast of Snowflake


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