Shameless Quotes: A Long Way From Home

Here are the actors who portrayed some of the characters in Season 3 Episode 7 of Shameless:

(left) Mama Kamala: Juanita Jennings; (right) Laronda: Daija Owens

(left) Judge: Barry Shabaka Henley; (right) Naked Guy: Ryan McIntyre

Also guest starring: Nance: Mary Mara; Chester: Kristopher Logan

Click here for the recap of A Long Way from Home.

And here are some of the things the characters said:

Frank: Nothing more American than a second chance, or a third or a fourth. Redemption. Tugs at the heart strings. A shot for the road!
Chester: Oh you be careful, Frank. Those child-stealing liberal bastards are out for blood!
Frank: Broke my judicial cherry years ago, Chester. They will never take my kids from me.
Nance: Bullsh-t! 30 days! Frank hasn’t been sober for 30 minutes. I can smell the booze from here.
Frank: Alcohol is a gift.
Frank: Nance, what happened to you? You used to dance on tables. Now it’s cleaning your dad’s catheter and the graveyard shift at the drugstore. You’re young! Don’t pack it in it!
Nance: (showing up at the bar later): Bacardi and leave the bottle.

Jody: He’s got Down’s Syndrome.
Mrs. Wong. We fix it…. fix the baby. Traditional Chinese medicine. Special herbs from Huang Xia Province. Good as new.
Jody: You can’t fix Down’s Syndrome. It’s an extra chromosome.
Mrs. Wong: We have an herb for chromosome. Have an herb for everything. Chromosome goes away. Isn’t that right, beautiful boy?

Fiona: Hey, need a favor.
Veronica: Uh oh, that’s how I started the talk with my mom. I hope you’re not asking me to mount your man.

Estefania: Coming?
Jimmy/Steve: Hopefully not for at least 10 seconds.

Frank: Father Pete, just who I was looking for.
Father Pete: The silver’s locked up, Frank.
Frank: So that’s it? You’re turning away sinners who are looking for forgiveness? This, this is why white kids are flocking to Allah! We are in a war for hearts and minds and you are shipping American youth to terror camps in Pakistan! This is what happens when you put a German in charge of the church.

Mandy: Since when does anyone need a reason to pistol whip Mickey?
Ian: So thanks to me you’ve been pistol whipped and shot in the ass.

Paramedic: I’ll make sure to pass along my condolences to Patrick.

Debbie: We gotta escape.
Laronda: Mama Kamala sees everything.
Debbie: We could attack her with scissors
Laronda: That’s like going after a rhino with a butter knife.
Debbie: Give me your benadryl.
Debbie: (putting krazy glue on Mama’s eyelids): Mama Kamala see everything, hmmmm?

Frank: Interventions aren’t my thing… My libertarian leanings, live and let live… you’ll understand.
Jody: It’s really hard.
Sheila: I’ll be with you the whole time.
Jody: No I mean it’s really hard. Handcuffs turn me on.

Fiona: How about a thank you? Now there’s no danger they’ll haul you away for Social Security fraud.
Frank: No more checks to cash either, bleep you very much.
Fiona: Always about the money, isn’t it?

Cleopatra: Ginger Gallagher, second one today… had another Will filed earlier… dated last year, supersedes yours…
Lip: Who the hell filed it?
Cleopatra: Patrick Gallagher.

Karen: I don’t deserve him after what I did.
Sheila: The best thing about mistakes is we get to correct them. His name is Hiram and we call him Hymie and he is a beautiful wonderful baby boy.

Judge: How about you, Deborah? Were you glad when your father came back?
Debbie: I was glad he wasn’t dead.
Frank: Alcohol is a cruel mistress.
Fiona: I’m not asking for your pity or your admiration. I just want to be able to give these kids everything that they deserve because they’re great kids and they deserve better.
Frank: I got my kids back! Drinks on the house!
Kev: So where are the kids at, Frank?
Frank: F*ck if I know. Who’s got the next round?

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