Herman Cain, Nein not Nine

Herman Cain, David Letterman said on his Friday night talk show is “the Republican frontrunner … the only guy who has any charisma, the only guy who has any heat going on. I mean, the guy comes on, plants his feet and goes and you’re spellbound … here is a ball of fire and a bundle of energy …. you know his tax idea, the 999? Well, he’s had some troubles with these allegations of sexual harassment and it turns out he was able to come up with the 999 tax plan after 3 German women turned him down.”

After clucking over Cain being accused by 3 women, Letterman compared sexual harassment charges to carry-on luggage. “You really should only be allowed two.” He also pointed out that Cain didn’t know that China was a nuclear power which made Letterman think: “Hey Herman, how about making an unwanted advance on a history book?”

One of the women who made the sexual harassment allegations was considering coming forward on Friday, November 4th, but ultimately chose not to.

Attorney Joel P. Bennett did speak out about the incidents on Friday, the New York Times reports. Bennett made it clear that he is talking not talking about one isolated incident of sexual harassment against his client, a former employee of Mr. Cain’s at the National Restaurant Association. Mr. Bennett said there were several episodes against just his client alone, which is what led her to file a formal complaint with the restaurant association.

“Mr. Cain knows the specific incidents that were alleged,” Mr. Bennett said during a short news conference, “My client filed a written complaint in 1999 against him specifically and it had very specific instances in it, and if he chooses not to remember or to acknowledge those, that’s his issue.” He also indicated that the money paid to his client was in the nature of a settlement and not severance pay.


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