Hatfields and McCoys Quotes: Part 3

Part 3 of the History Channel’s “Hatfield and McCoys” begins with the death of Roseanna and Johnse’s baby, Elizabeth. Then Frank Phillips decide to go to church.

Preacher Garrett: This is the house of God. (Frank Phillip punches him in the mouth and knocks him down. He gets up as Frank exits and begins singing). Are you washed in the blood, in the soul …

Uncle Jim Vance: Phillips’ gang raided services at the Tug Fork Church. Seized Tom Chambers and the Messer brothers. Smacked Preacher Garrett for no apparent reason. Anse, they are shoving it in our face.
Anse Hatfield: Cut off the head of the snake.
Jim Vance: It’ll be awful treacherous going after Frank Phillips, he’s got an army around him.
Anse Hatfield: We gotta kill Randall McCoy.

At the jail, Perry Cline offers his services and Randall McCoy vents his anguish:
Randall McCoy: You killed my sons.
Selkirk McCoy: Your murderin’ sons.
Randall McCoy: Not guilty till proved innocent. Men like you who deserved a fair trial. I pray you hang. I will supply the lumber for the gallows and I will tie the knot on your rope and when your neck snaps, I will rejoice as you are sent to boil in eternal damnation’s hell fire.

Jim Vance leads an attack on Randall McCoy’s home and they burn it down. His daughter, Alifair, and son, Calvin are killed. His wife, Sally is injured.
Randall McCoy: I was having a dream. Sally said “They’re here.” I heard Jim Vance yell “Randall McCoy, come out and face the day.” … I prayed to a merciful God who showed us no mercy.
Preacher; His will Randall, not ours, be done.
Randall McCoy: This is His will? My children dead, my wife hurt and my house burnt? Where was God. If it’s His will, what kind of God is that?

Jim Vance reports to Anse: It didn’t turn out so well. That goddam half-wit Cotton Turd … this probably ain’t fit for the ears of young’uns.
Anse Hatfield: Randall got away.
Jim Vance: Yup.
Anse Hatfield: What do we do now, Jim? Kill ’em all?

Nancy confronts Johnse about his participation in all the murders:
Nancy McCoy Hatfield: You help Jim Vance murder my entire family.
Johnse Hatfield: It was that weak brain Cotton Top shot Alifair.
Nancy: I’ll be in Pikeville with a real man. Me and Frank Phillips … we’re getting married. (She spits in Johnse’s face and leaves and tells Frank Phillips where he can find Jim Vance.)

Uncle Jim tells Cap Hatfield to skedaddle and kills his own injured dog:
Jim Vance: I do believe this is the end of the line. I’ll be right behind you, boy. Right behind you.
Bad Frank: Time to meet your maker. Which way you gonna go, Uncle Jim? You got my damn boots all dusty.

Anse blames Johnse for Nancy’s treachery
Anse Hatfield: Only two people knew where Jim and Cap had gone … me and Johnse.
Levicy Hatfield: How do you know that? Anybody could have said something.
Anse: I know cause I made sure.
Levicy: Johnse’s no Judas.
Anse: Me and Johnse gonna have a talk.
Levicy: I have to know what that means.
Anse: You think I mean him harm.
Levicy: I need to hear otherwise
Anse: I’m taking him fishing, Levicy.

But Anse can’t bring himself to kill Johnse
Johnse: Can I ask you a question? If I were to fell in that day, scared those fish, would you have let me drown?

Anse’s older brother Wall has had enough
Wall Hatfield: I don’t know what you’re planning here, Anse, but all this damn bloodshed killing’s gotta stop. Uncle Jim was the last straw. I’m turning myself in.
Anse: You insane? Them blackguards will shoot you down.

Judge Wall Hatfield says he will fight in a courtroom and not with a damned gun
Anse: Well, guns never failed me, Wall. Not like judges and lawyers.
Wall: I’ll be seeing you, right after I meet Miss Jurisprudence.

A showdown ensues at “The Battle of Grapevine” and Cotton Top is taken as a prisoner of war:
Anse Hatfield: It’s a trap. Get everybody back.
Randall McCoy: We won. I won. Blessed baby Jesus.

Nancy McCoy Hatfield Phillips takes Randall McCoy home, much to his disgust. Roseanna is there and confronts Nancy:
Roseanna: We was friends, Nancy. Why’d you hurt me the way you did?
Nancy: You hurt yourself taking up with Johnse. Me marrying him just saved you a whole lot of pain.
Roseanna: You loved him?
Nancy: I never did. I hate him just like all the demon Hatfields. Me and Johnse was never nothing against you. Just plain old revenge. Swore to killing Hatfields when I was young. Revenge is all I got inside of me.

Roseanna confronts her father
Roseanna: Dead children, a dead grandchild, a mad wife. Anybody’d think you’d embrace a still living daughter. When I was a little girl, you once told me I was your favorite. I lived on that for years. Just that tiny bit of approval made me believe I could do anything in this world … in our house, you were God.
Perry Cline: Roseanna, you know my – my offer of years ago – it still stands.
Roseanna: Oh, Perry, you don’t want me. I’m all used up.
Perry: Don’t say that. I do want you. I just want to make you happy. Take care of you. (Roseanna collapses)
Perry: Roseanna! Randall! Doc! Roseanna, she’s not moving, she just fell. Randall, get in here!

Randall sends Sally to a hospital
Sally McCoy: You’re not sending me away to get better. You’re sending me away so you can go to hell with Perry Cline.

Wall Hatfield, Selkirk McCoy and Alex Messer get life in prison. Cotton Top is sentenced to death:
Cotton Top: That’s fine cause Devil Anse, Cap and all of them are gonna come at midnight, all armed and terrible, riding dark horses with lightning hooves that don’t never die. They won’t let me hang.
Randall Hatfield: The only Hatfield they’re hanging is the one that don’t deserve it.
Anse Hatfield: When Cotton Top’s hanged, it’ll take away the McCoy bloodlust.
Cap Hatfield: When he’s hanged? So Cotton’s our Judas goat?
Anse Hatfield: Somebody’s gotta bend to stop it. Randall can’t so it’s gotta be me.
Cap Hatfield: Pa, you done enough. It’s time I take over.
Anse Hatfield: Cap, you gonna have children one day and your children — they’re not gonna care about our old grudges and slights from long ago and their children — hell, their children won’t even know about it. It’s time for us to move on, son.

On the day of Cotton Top’s hanging, Randall McCoy overhears a conversation as he stands on the hill drinking moonshine.
Wife Spectator: Tell me again what’s so important we had to dress up the girls and bring them all the way here for someone we can hardly see.
Husband Spectator: This is history. Hatfields and McCoys are famous.
Wife: Famous for what?
Local Man on her other side: Killing each other.
Cotton Top: The Hatfields made me do it! They hornswoggled me with love.

Quotes from Part 1Quotes from Part 2

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