Hatfields and McCoys Quotes: Part 2

In Part 2 of the History Channel’s “Hatfield and McCoys” miniseries, the feud really escalates and the casualties begin to mount up. Anse’s brother, Ellison’s the first to go after 3 McCoy boys do a number on him on Election Day 1882. After the Hatfields force the Sheriff to hand Tolbert, Phamer and Bud over, their father pays Anse a visit:

Randall McCoy: I pray he recovers.
Anse Hatfield: You still believe in praying?
Randall McCoy: Devil Anse Hatfield. I rue the day I saved your life. May God damn your eternal soul.
Anse Hatfield: If you feel the need to bring up God one more time, whose side he sits on, you won’t be making the ride home.

Anse won’t let Randall see his sons, but he lets their mother visit with them:
Sally Hatfield (pleading on her knees): Please, Captain, let me take them back to Kentucky with me. Please!
Anse Hatfield: You’ll get ’em back. That much I can promise you.

Her pleading falls on deaf ears:
Anse Hatfield to Tolbert, Phamer and Bud McCoy: You boys understand what’s gonna happen here? You understand why?
Anse Hatfield to his firing squad: Make yourselves ready. Harden your hearts.

Nancy McCoy inquires after Roseanna at the funeral
Nancy McCoy: Did she lose the baby.
McCoy Girl: No. It come. A girl. But it’s sickly.
Nancy: Likely to perish?
McCoy Girl: I pray not.
Nancy: Likely?
McCoy Girl: Likely.
Nancy: The baby’s daddy’s Johnse Hatfield. Folks are saying he’s amongst them that kilt your brothers.
McCoy Girl: I pray he wasn’t.
Nancy: Likely was.
McCoy Girl: Likely.

The McCoys put a bounty on the Hatfields
Bad Frank Phillips: McCoy family’s … already posted rewards
Skunkhair Tom Wallace: How much?
Bad Frank: I don’t recollect exact. Couldn’t be more than two bits or so for you.
Perry Cline: You’re the one they call Bad Frank?
Bad Frank: Not to my face and not twice.
Randall McCoy: Do not come back for more reward money, Mr. Phillips. I will not be a party to atrocity.

Johnse still wants Roseanna
Johnse McCoy: I built a cabin for me, Roseanne and the baby to live at. It’s a real nice one with an old paper window …
Aunt Betty: You built your cabin for your whiskey business and to consort with whores.

Perry Cline (reading bloody letter) “… this is as good as a confession — “We hereby notify you that if you invade our state to take or kill Hatfields, we will charge it to you. Your hides will pay the penalty.”
Randall McCoy: Devil Anse Hatfield is threatening to kill us like he done these men. We got it in writing.

Uncle Jim Varney: Cap, put down your whiskey. make like nature calls. Get my drift?
Deputy Wannabe: William “Cap” Hatfield?
Cap: Yeah?
Deputy Wannabe: Button your dick, you vulgar bastard. I’m arresting you for the murder of Tolbert, Phamer and — ooph

Wall Hatfield rides over to inform Anse and Levicy of Johnse’s marriage:
Wall Hatfield: Well, Anse, he thinks it’ll make peace between you and Randall.
Anse Hatfield: He does, huh? Someone wanna tell me how a son of mine could turn out to be so goddamn dumb?

Is he dumber than Nancy?
Nancy McCoy Hatfield: When you’re doing the trick with me, are you picturing Rosanna?
Johnse Hatfield: I try not to.
Nancy: Trying, but failing.

Aunt Betty spills the beans:
Rosanna McCoy: I don’t look like the girl Johnse romanced no more. Will he still want me looking like this?
Aunt Betty Blankenship: Too late to worry about that. I didn’t want to stir the pot but here it is. Johnse gone and got himself married to your cousin Nancy. Did you hear me? Johnse Hatfield married Nancy McCoy.

Bad Frank thinks he’s the only gunhand man enough to round up the Hatfields:
Randall McCoy: You’re awful full of yourself, ain’t ya?
Bad Frank: I wouldn’t call it that. I wasted some years of my misspent youth a-riding with Jesse and Frank. Once got to witness Wild Bill kill a man so I seen badder ‘n me. I’m not many and I can’t help but see what you gotta choose from.
Perry Cline: I didn’t realize you’d once been an outlaw.
Bad Frank: Well that of course is where I was saved …
Randall McCoy: You sure don’t act Christian.
Bad Frank: I’m a warrior for God, Mr. McCoy. A fighter of evil….

Nancy McCoy Hatfield seeks revenge after Jim Vance beats her and kills her brother:
Nancy: How’d you like to know where Selkirk McCoy is? Traitor that killed his own kin.
Bad Frank: What would you want in return?
Nancy: For you to kill Jim Vance. The man that did this to my face. Worse than that. Killed my brother and my pap.
Bad Frank: Jim Vance is on the list. Sooner or later we gonna get every damn one.
Nancy: Not just get ’em. Kill ’em.

Jim Vance: That why emotions are running so wild because there’s a spy amongst us.
Randall McCoy: Men, should you meet resistance, you use no more force than’s necessary to prevail. We are not infidels like the Hatfields, we embody the law. Let us pray.

About that praying
Sally McCoy: You ever get tired of praying, Randall? Seems like it so rarely works.
Randall McCoy: It’s not ours to question God’s will. That’s what faith’s for. Don’t be fearful, mother.

Quotes from Part 1Quotes from Part 3

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