Hatfields and McCoys Quotes: Part 1

It was hard to figure out whose side to be on in the History Channel’s “Hatfield and McCoys” miniseries, wasn’t it? Both families had good and bad characters and both had characters with good and bad in them. And the situations changed from episode to episode. In the first episode … well, here are some quotes to remind you of what was happening …

Like when Anse left for home during the Civil War and Randall called him a deserter:
Anse Hatfield: Well, I ain’t staying to watch the boys we just saved die for a lost cause.
Randall McCoy: What do you think would happen if every soldier decided for himself when the war was lost.
Anse Hatfield: It don’t make a cause no better, Randall, when good men die for it in vain.
Randall McCoy: You just twist things to suit yourself. This is desertion.
Anse Hatfield: I don’t look at it that way. I figure I deserted my family when I signed up. You’d be wise to come with me.
Randall McCoy: God hates deserters.

When Harmon McCoy decided to have a drink while wearing his Union jacket:
Jim Vance: You’re gonna throw that damn Yankee jacket on the floor and you’re gonna piss on it.
Harmon McCoy: I’m going on home. I don’t much care for the perfumed stank in here.
Martha McCoy: Your Uncle Jim Vance is the only one my husband accused of fornicating with his hound dog.

When Randall came back after being a prisoner of war:
Sally McCoy: I’m prepared to do my duty as your wife. But I ask that you spill your seed outside of me. I could not bear another birth.

And ran into Devil Anse in church:
Randall McCoy: You propose now to ease your conscience for deserting? Or for my brother’s murder? Your Uncle Jim done it. If’n he was here now, I’d say it to his face.

That pig looks familiar, Floyd:
Randall McCoy: How’s this for quarrelsome? Damn you for a pig thief, Floyd Hatfield.
Judge Wall Hatfield: Is the pig in court today?
Floyd Hatfield: No it aint.
Judge Hatfield: Why not?
Floyd Hatfield: Well, it’s done been et.
Anse Hatfield: Don’t give yourself apoplexy — all this to do over a pig.
Randall McCoy: This is about honor, about lying, stealing and murdering.
Judge Hatfield: This case is dismissed. Everybody get the hell out of here.

Tolbert McCoy warns Uncle Jim that the day of reckoning is coming:
Jim Vance: Get out of my sight before I snap you like a chicken neck.

The McCoy boys kill Bill Staton:
Randall McCoy: What are my two nephews doing in there being locked up next to this godforsaken corpse? … Bill Staton threatened to kill any McCoys that crossed his path. We got witnesses to that.
Anse Hatfield: That’s premeditated homicide for which according to the law and your almighty God they had oughta hang.
Randall McCoy: You’re talkin’ like a fool. This lowlife drunkard lying dead here threatened murder on my family
Judge Wall Hatfield: I find you both guilty of this heinous crime for which you are to be taken to a convenient spot without delay and thereby hanged by the neck until you are dead. Sentence which I hereby suspend since no one can say whether it was self-defense or not.
Judge Hatfield: Write it in the book: Miscreants discharged by Judge Wall Hatfield.
Randall McCoy: Indeed, God is just and shall return to us the years that the locust hath eaten.

Johnse Hatfield acts on his infatuation with Rosanna McCoy:
Roseanna McCoy: What is the second most beautiful sight in West Virginia?
Johnse Hatfield: Well, now, I’ll take you there.
Roseanna McCoy: One thing I know for a fact. You got girlfriends by the bushel.
Johnse McCoy: Not to boast but I believe I have a strong reputation as a good kisser.

Things go a little faster and further than they should have:
Roseanna McCoy: I don’t know what to think. This is my first time. I was saving myself for a husband just like God told me to.
Johnse McCoy: I ain’t fooling here Roseanna. I intend to marry you.
Roseanna McCoy: Oh my God, Johnse! It’s my brothers! Go!
Johnse McCoy: You think she’d be kissing on me if I violated her in any way?

Randall disowns his favorite daughter:
Randall McCoy: You spent the night under a Hatfield roof?
Roseanna McCoy: Johnse — he, uh, he wants to marry me.
Randall McCoy: I beg your damn pardon.
Randall McCoy: You like the Hatfields so much, why don’t you go stay with them forever. You’re not my daughter anymore.

Levicy thinks marrying a McCoy, even a good one, is a bad idea:
Levicy Hatfield: I can see you ain’t a bad person but this whole thing, it ain’t right.
Roseanna McCoy: You asking me to leave?
Levicy Hatfield: And don’t you come back.
Roseanna McCoy: I ain’t had my flow in two months. I don’t know what to do.
Sally McCoy: You come home with a Hatfield bastard in your belly?

Perry to the rescue:
Perry Cline: That’s unfortunate but if you were to marry quickly, no one would catch on the sad truth the child ain’t mine.
Roseanna McCoy: I’m in love with Johnse Hatfield.
Johnse McCoy: I’m gonna be a daddy?
Perry Cline: If it weren’t for Johnse, Rosanna might come to her senses and accept an offer of honorable marriage.

Tolbert wants to help Roseanna to the altar — with Perry:
Tolbert McCoy: You’re the one going to hell and you ain’t gonna be asking God for squat.
Johnse McCoy: Having a man killed to marry their woman and take their baby, that ain’t honorable.

Quotes from Part 2Quotes from Part 3

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