Final Jeopardy: 6-27-16 to 7-1-16

Here are the Final Jeopardy questions and answers for the week of June 27 through July 1, 2016.

Mon, June 27 – Correct answers: 1
His reign was interrupted for “100 days” in the 19th century before he was restored & reigned for 9 years more. show

Tue, June 28 – Correct answers: 1
Before his death in 1932, he donated over $100 million, including $50 million to the University of Rochester. show

Wed, June 29 – Correct answers: 2
Of the contiguous states, these 2 coastal states have elevation changes within them of more than 14,000 feet. show

Thurs, June 30 – Correct answers: 3
Released in 2011, it’s the only film that has won both the Oscar & France’s Cesar for Best Film of the Year. show

Fri, July 1 – Correct answers: 3
An 1860 ad for this business that only lasted 19 months sought “Ten or a dozen men, familiar with the management of horses”. show

If you missed any of the games, click on the date for the recap with the Daily Doubles and a triple stumper or two.

This week began with two days where only one player got FJ right (yes, it was the champ). Two players got FJ on Wednesday. Everybody nailed FJ on Thursday and Friday, so it was a far far better week of FJ results than last week.

Daily winnings for the week of June 27, 2016 on Jeopardy!

Harris Stutman was the returning champ on Monday and he stuck around till Wednesday when Christie O’Shaughnessy took over. Christie lost her title to Shyamlee Patel on Thursday and she lost on Friday to Zach Klitzman. That game had quite a finish.

These were all the $2K clues from Friday’s game. Maybe putting that last one in a Nursery Rhymes category would have helped out with the “Jack” connection.


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